02 December 2008

R is for Ramón

I dropped Liz and Jason and Jason's house. On the way she puked thank god she remembered to open the door, and she attacked the decal of Whinny the Pooh on my windshield. She was to drunk so she was going to sleep it off before driving herself home.

I called Ramón to tell him I was on my way. He gave me directions but I was tired I past his house twice. He had moved back home after his father died. So I had never been to this House although it was closer.

I finally made it and he made fun of me for passing him and his dog. Dog, hmmm, I don’t date guys with dogs. I had tried once but we never made it to a date and all the other just did things with them that creped me out.

I was willing to look past it, come to think of it there were lots of things I was going to have to look past in order to date him. We talked and concluded I was to keep him awake. And before I knew it my glass of orange juice was on the TV and I was on my back. We were going at it pretty strong to the point I agreed to lose the clothing. And for the first time I felt and saw his penis completely uncovered and knew what all the fuss was about.

It was huge the kind guys like me normally work up to. Before we even started, making out we agreed not to have sex but I was so turned on that jerking each other off was not out the question. And a quick double hand job and clean up I was out and he was next to me fast asleep. I remember an alarm clock going off and I think I am responsible for it being turned off, but I won't tell him that.

Ramón popped up and yelled at me for not keeping him up. He always had this tone where I could not tell if he was joking or serious. Hje was supposed to go running and he had put on a little bit of weight so this run was important if we were to honestly give this a shot. He ran downstairs and I was behind him and to my surprise I found an older slightly frail woman standing in a night gown. The dog was ever so happy to see her. I had to quickly remember that Ramón was adopted and that this was our first time meeting. Thank god, I look decent when I wake up even after a night of clubbing and drinking. Ramón introduced me as "you remember my friend Victor." We never met before but we both played along.

Some way to start your Thanksgiving.

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