28 January 2010

Work, Life, and Mess

You ever notice how when you are at work and things get hectic, that you seem to just let your surroundings reflect it.  Then the moment comes when you just cannot take it and using your break time you clean and organize everything in your entire office, cubical, or desk so that you not only know where everything is but it looks great.  Then after all is said and done you sit and realize you not only have a good amount of work but also a good amount of time to get it done, but all you do is sit and admire your work space and nothing gets accomplished.

I can only imagine why this happens to some of us.  It could be some subconscious fear that we have learned.  We equate working hard with working in mess, and so when things are clean and neat we are reluctant to resume where we left off.

Sometimes this happens in relationships.  We take a break from the whole dating scene and get our lives and friendships together and then before we know it we are happy with life and we find ourselves being pulled back into the messy world of dating.

We resume looking on our old dating sites and checking out the people at the clubs and bars, and we even began talking to our casual sex partners but in it all we refuse to start actually going out on dates sleeping with people or talking to the hottie at the end of the bar.  It would all make since if it were not for one thing, we feel as though something or someone is missing from our life.  We want to go to bed cuddled up with someone who is happy to be there, and some nights we get so horny that we just want some hot person to screw our brains out.

We think we are proceeding with caution when in fact we simply are not moving. We tell our selves we have our friends and that is enough until we decide to sleep with that old fuckbuddy.  Now we have our friends and sex without the whole mess of a relationship.  We remain unfulfilled and before we know it, we are looking for Mr. Right and our lives are once again a mess like it was when we last stopped and took out some time to clean our desk.

The definition of insanity is, repeating the same steps and hoping for different results. A productive worker learns from his mistakes and searches for more efficient ways to perform tasks, which makes it easier to swing right into the next one with ease and little mess.  True sometimes taking the time out while in the swing of things to make sure that everything is in the right place seems like it is making life move slow, but think about it, if your breaks are spent cleaning?  What is the more efficient worker’s breaks spent doing?

Recently I got a new printer and to celebrate I cleaned my desk and organized things.  I sat and thought of several things I could and should be doing but I sat and did nothing.  My drive to be productive was precluded and so I sat then started browsing the web.

I got to thinking about how this is the pattern my life has faced. Things get crazy, I spend time fixing things and then I just sit, stare, and do nothing, and subconsciously I fear that the mess will come back just as fast as I start living.

I have learned however that if I do not like the mess my life produces to examine what parts produce the mess and then change how I live in order to be happy with the results and spend less time fixing stuff I should not have to fix.

Another part of this whole mess thing I realized is that we learn how to deal with many things when we are children, a time when we have extremely limited resources.  As adults, we have more resources like desk organizers and in matter of life therapist.

No matter what you may be facing in life may it be repeat ex boyfriend,  casual sex, or work issues like a messy desk, sit back and think how you handled it before and force yourself to try something new. I guarantee you will feel a little less like life is trying to make you crazy.

27 January 2010

Peeing With the Door Open

I have been living with people for so long that I have forgotten one of the small joys that one gets from living alone, peeing with the bathroom door open. I do not know what inspired me recently but I went to the bathroom and left the door open. I found it odd and halfway through relieving myself I felt a small bit of familiar joy. I was taken back to when I lived alone and I could do whatever wanted such as use the bathroom with the door wide open, knowing no one would see and say something,

To be completely honest this was something that first indulged in when living with my mother. When I knew I had the house to myself for a while, I would use the bathroom with the door wide open. It was to signify that I was home alone and had a small bit of freedom.  Now I must admit I would never go number two with the door open, smells and what not.


While reading my book I realized that my blog has not focused on grammar all too much.  The author of Swish uses many words that are not used in ever day vernacular,  some of which I have had the urge to go and look up. So I think from now on I am going to get better acquainted with an old friend of mine, Mr. Thesaurus. I loved him back during my school days, so I think his advice may be what I need to spruce up “The Indigo Life.”


Lastly I attempted an apple pie the other day.  Needles to say I consulted several recipes as to create my own.  I do not think many people understand the different sizes of apples.  Most recipes called for 6 to seven apples.  I had about five medium to large apples and was only making a nine-inch pie, like every recipe said it was for. I had excessively much filling and my crust fell apart so I placed it on in pieces, which made it look like a giant brain, I called it Abby Normal.  I placed the pie in the oven following the instructions of one of the recipes and my pie was first under done then over done and the crust was great but my filling had turned to mush. When we cut into it the taste was too tart and I think it needed more cinnamon.

I was pissed from middle to end. But I know what needs to be done the next time. To prepare for my next pie I ordered an Amish pie cookbook, of all people I figure they should have a good recipe for a newcomer to the pie world.