03 June 2008


So Wednesday as you have already read, I had an interview with a staffing agency in Parsippany NJ. Little did I know that it was not far from NYC so I stopped and visited my play sister Jazz. You know we had fun and what not.

We played Monopoly for the sake of her boy friend he really wanted to play and Jazz and I didn’t. I didn’t want to play so bad that I stared buying everything I could in hopes of going bankrupt. It didn’t work I ended up winning the game which was poetic justice for jazz as her Boyfriend went bankrupt so the game was over.

Next, we went to get food and watched a movie called Hard Candy. A miss titled movie if you ask me. It was about some little bitch who wanted to avenge the death of some little girl who was raped and killed by a pedophile. To sum it all up “It’s fucked up.”
After the movie I drove back home.

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