12 April 2013

Problem On The Friendship Train

Life has a way of keeping your ass in check. The moment you begin to stray away from who you are and who you are meant to become shit begins to hit the fan. Having just figured this out and doing what I needed to do to get back on track I decided to start spending more time with my amazing group of friends.

This time with friends was also to be spent learning more about what other people think in regards to the lessons of life, and the most important lesson I recently learned is that most people hold the title of best friend with high regard and those who do not ever keep any friends for long.

Think of friendship like a modern day commuter train, you know like MTA or the SEPTA El. Each car is equipped with an engine, brakes, and the ability to be the head car. Friendship is just like that a bunch of train cars working together for a common goal. The goal is always to move forward and defective cars are removed while the others rotate positions.

I have said it before my friends are great but now we have noticed that there is a defective car and as I have been the leader car for a bit now I am beginning to doubt if keeping this car linked to the others is a good idea. All the other cars have complained about pulling this persons weight in regards to maintaining the friendly momentum that we have and as I am the oldest and I know this car better than the others all messages have come to me.

Now one would think that if your best friend comes to you and says, “hey the group feels you don’t take their friendship seriously and here is why,” that person would either explain themselves to the individuals who had a problem, or try to adjust the way he is projecting himself to others. Well after two serious conversations the problem persist and I was mad a promise that this friend would talk to the others to explain a misunderstanding. Weeks have past and no such conversation has taken place.

What does this mean? With this much time passing and tension building what can I “Big Sister” say to the others? There is not much. I love all my friends but this might be the time when my one friend will have to learn that when you try to be friends with everyone soon there will come a point when you realize you can depend on No One. 

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