31 January 2012

That Friend

The lucky ones of us know that lining up potentials is quite exhilarating. Your single and it is time to start dating. You have a plethora of men who are interested and you are on cloud nine going on dates, having long get to know you phone conversations and before you know it some guys are now just friends others you are not returning your calls and one lucky guy is talking about where things are going and before you know it you have a boyfriend. 

In the gay world there is no happily ever after, in fact in life period there is no happily ever after. There are always stipulations and little nuances that come and shake things up. Like the guy you were going to date and came close but decided friends were better.

Ah friends, in the indigo world friend is a term used loosely, we have to add so many adjectives to denote what kind of friend we are talking about. There are friends we slept with, friends we still sleep with, friends we go shopping with, friends that we only talk to online or on the phone, there are friends who we dated but never slept with and friends we didn’t sleep with until after we broke up with them. The list can go on and on and each one has different obligations, based on the circumstances in which we became friends. 

The thing about the friend we almost dated if we never sleep with them there remains that sexual tension. This tension we try to relieve with inappropriate jokes but it never helps. We find that although we are happy in our relationship we still want to have sex with this “friend.” We then start to think of them as our personal reserve. We keep them interested just enough that they won’t lose interest so when the moment our current relationship fails we can relieve that tension and possibly attempt for a happy ever after.

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