20 January 2009

The Obama Party and So Much More (dup)

The day had arrived Monday, January 19th; I was finally going to see Mr. MeTo. The moment I woke up I turned on my computer and logged into my gmail and Google chat so I could find out what time I would need to pick him up from 30th street train station. We had been talking about this party for weeks, it was a big deal, we were going to see each other, and he was going to meat my closest friends and go all the way.

After I talked to MeTo I began working on the list of things my mother wanted me to work on. I was quite excited, in cleaning the bath room, doing dishes, cleaning my room, and straitening the hall. I had made plans to pick MeTo up early to have alone time before my mom came home then head over to Jason’s to help set up for the party. Britt was out and I was not sure what time she was going to get home.

My step dad called to let me know he was leaving me the money I had asked for, for gas in his mail slot. So I now had money for gas and a little for the party. With Jay and the majority of us being broke the party became a BYOB.

I made it down the 30th street around 1:20, as I was not supposed to meet MeTo until 1:25 and I figured I would park and go in to meet him. I still have no cell phone so it was going to be a little complicated. I found the perfect spot in a place that is impossible to get a spot at all. I went in and waited for the guy who was now my official boyfriend.

The train was running late so I went to buy a coke, the guy in front of me decided to waste time by making pointless conversation with the woman running the cash register. It was not until after I heard the announcement that the R7 had arrived that I could check out. What should have been a well timed meet up turned out to be a surprise for me. I went out to the car hoping to see him but he wasn’t there. So I went back and the moment I turned around to go back out side, there he was, Mr. MeTo. My heart began beating and I could not help but smile. My heart said kiss him but my mind said wait.

A ride to Germantown and a long ride through the city to get back home and we were alone. Alone until my sister came in. a conversation about what to snack on and a cup of tea and I was on my back enjoying a Hot make out session with a guy who not only captivated me with his looks, but his personality.

The time came when making out had to stop and I had to get dressed and in the process of doing so my mother came home earlier than expected. I came up with a good half truth to tell my mother with an excellent delivery. I sill had to rush us out the house.

The night became all about rushing, to the point I had no time to put on my makeup, which I promised MeTo I would do for him, I left my earrings and rings at home. But some how I did not feel naked like I normally do, I think it was due to my excitement in having my boyfriend around who complimented me greatly.

MeTo, Jay, and I spent time just hanging out and coming up with a game plan for the night. We even discussed some racy topics, but in with understanding and open mindedness.

The time came about where I had to go pick up Phil and Mr. K. and like all ways it was a big to do. I had to stop at home to get money for alcohol and Phil took his time getting outside. Then having forgotten that it was a holiday we had to find a place to buy beer from as all state stores was closed. There was a place called Pinocchio’s. Phil gave me a 20 so I took that and bought a case of Yuengling and a case of mikes hard lemonade. I put gas in the car and saved the rest to put in for pizza. After dropping the first car load I had to go pick up Britt and Towayne. Rob stayed behind to work on the camp fire.

When I got back to the house I made a point to ensure my people got a mike’s lemonade. MeTo and I could not keep our hands off each other. A trip to the 3rd floor and the passing of an Armani Exchange bag latter and rob and I were on our way to pick up pizza. I was so attracted to him, a great intelligent kisser who acted like a guy and not a queen, he built a fire from scratch and it was a total turn on.

A few slices of pizza, and a beer later and it was time to check on the fire which no one was enjoying. Only about 20 people showed up and none of us had planned on it snowing up until the party started. MeTo and I did enjoy the fire but not as much as we did each other. Things between the two us got hotter than the fire to the point we got spotted and someone yelled “stop that.” We laughed and continued a little longer.

The night progressed with dancing and playing Wii fit. Jay found a good opponent for the dance to Single Ladies. We then watched comedy clips on you tube. At some point MeTo and I went upstairs and while talking jay came in not to happy. I did my job as best friend and help Jay with the problem at hand. It was an on going lessen that he was quickly learning the hard way, don’t put to much faith in dating younger.

We finally put on a movie, Pineapple Express, and slowly people started leaving, first a handful that came together then one by one everyone else. I took Britt home and Towayne decided to sleep over. All that was left was the trio our two guys and Towayne.

While everyone was around the comp up stairs I caught the last of Pineapple Express. I then got in the bed with MeTo.

Things went as planned but the water bed and an interruption for a phone charger made things a little awkward. Things did get to a good point and we went to sleep.

The next day was the 20th and the day of inauguration for the countries first Afro-American president as the 44th president ever. We watched with glee and pride as he was sworn in without a hitch. We were all proud to be Americans and it was such a great moment to spend with friends.

I could not help but be moved by the words of hope and empowerment from Obama H Barrack. I truly feel that the change the USA needs is coming. I do not look to Obama as a miracle worker; I do not plan on seeing a perfect country come from his first four years. I do however plan to see him empower this country to fight for change, I intend to see him restore pride in being an American and all the while fighting for laws to improve equality and change the financial status of our country. I am proud to say I believe in Obama, not because he is a black president but because he is a true representative of what this country stands for.

After dropping off trash and getting donuts I took MeTo to the train station. To my surprise I came home to an empty house and a half hour later I received a call from MeTo and we had a deep conversation about unconditional love. It was deep and enlighten, he reminded me of how dynamic he really is.

The rest of my after noon was spent writing this Blog and having another deep conversation with MeTo. This time we talked about the seriousness of our relationship. I understood that we had been official and I even knew what it meant to be so but it finally hit me, and it scared me for a minute. Why I was scared I had no clue exactly.

MeTo and I are extremely compatible, we get along so well, and we have found flaws and still are attracted to each other. Being in a serious relationship is not just a relationship for now but it means you are entertain the possibility of thinking about being the one, about allowing yourself to fall in love, it means trying to make this the last relationship.

I just got a call from Jay that people are going over his place tonight so after I drop off my little bro I am going to Jay’s.

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