12 May 2013

Elephants and Mothers?

Every now and then you experience moments that exhilarate you and remind you that you are alive. Sometimes they are near death experiences and sometimes they are simply moments that are so joyous that you cannot help but stop and reflect on how awesome life is. While there are moments that remind you that you are alive there are also moments that remind you that you are all grown up and that you are in fact an adult. This Mothers’ Day was filled with those moments.

To be honest with you my entire life for the past few week has been a smorgasbord of moments that have made me stop and realize that I am growing up at an alarming rate and that I may in fact want just a few more moments as a child to reflect and think about it all.

Today I found out that one of best friends is going to have a baby. She had been keeping it a secret for a really good time and today the jig was up. I went to see here and as I listened to her explain her reasons for not divulging such information and how she felt about everything I was easy to understand. The shocker was simply the fact that none of us thought she was doing anything where she could get pregnant which led us all to ignore the elephant in the room.

Mother’s Day was all sunshine and rainbows. My mother requested that I go to church with here and so I requested off from work and made myself available. We arrived late and all my time spent was helping to set up for dinner and then leading the team with serving. It was a great time, everyone laughed at my jokes and the jokes I heard were all worth a good chuckle.

The day progressed with stops here and there, a shoe store for my mother, then to see my father’s mother, then to see my eldest aunt. My grandmother talked about my late uncle and father and I was shocked to find out that my aunt had stayed in New Jersey with here girlfriend. I sent a text to all my aunts cousins who are mothers and called my ex in-laws. I got to chat with my former mother in-law for a bit and assured here that everything in my life was going great which was the truth and she told me a little bit about her day. As if by magic a few moments latter Doctor MeTo sent me a text.

Walking home I noticed that the entire day consisted of the time old elephants in rooms with people who refused to acknowledge it. My best friend was pregnant and showing yet none of us decided to ask. My cousin and the mother of his child were having a fight and still no one said a word. At church it is obvious I am gay yet everyone acted like they could not see the obvious and focused on other attributes of my personality. I have admitted to MeTo several times I am having trouble forgiving him and he continues to text me as if nothing is wrong.

Why is it that adults ignore the obvious and never speak up when a single word will ease tension and create an environment that is more welcoming and fun? Children “see” everything and questions what they do not understand but once they grow up they are taught to refrain from questioning for fear of offending.

So tonight I sent MeTo a text asking him if we were going to continue ignoring the elephant in the room and he chose not to respond so I am taking it as a yes. The thing about an elephant in a room is that they eventually move and when they do, it results in damage. I have had enough damage done in my life from simply not speaking up and so I am calling the zookeeper on this elephant, MeTo has got to go. 

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