04 September 2009

Last Time At Woody's

So as you are well aware that it has been some time since I have gone to Woody’s on my own accord. I figured with MeTo going out of town on a conference and with my entire family wanting to see me and I missing all my friends that I would come to Philly for a short visit.

As a matter of fact I got a call from Jaz telling asking me what I was doing Wednesday, she was on her way to Philly and wanted to go to Woody’s , and with Louis coming home on Thursday I figured no than Wednesday to come home and go out with my friends.

Needles to say Jaz canceled on me, Phil had school the next day and Lou had no money. I found admission for Lou and so he was going to come. So there it was going to me, Jay, Lou and most likely Tia. I had not sent her a text as I expected Jay to tell her. And I was right the two of them picked me up from 30th street station around 10:30 and it was off to the club, then to my surprise jay says, “ Oh my god I forgot Phil.” I was thrilled Phil was going to come, it was a night with all my best friends minus RJ.

After picking up Phil we drove back to the parking lot and to our surprise Ramon and his roommate Jeff we standing outside with a couple of their friends. We chatted for a bit, I really had no interest in reconnecting as Ramon was a guy who toyed with my heart then called me a friend but would not keep in touch.  So we were off to the club.

It was nice similar old times flashed before my mind’s eye and I soaked in the nostalgia. When we got in I was shocked to find admission to the bar was free but to get onto the dance floor went from a two dollar bar minimum, to five dollars. I had promised Lou that if he found the funds to get there I would pay for him so I was now down 10 dollars. One would think with a price increase that it would be better than before but it had gotten a lot worse, you were no longer allowed to dance on the speaker boxes, the go-go dancers were gone and the DJ was horrible,  So not worth five per 21 year old and 10 for the minors.

We made the best of it, Lou, Phil and I got tired of just standing around so we went to the dance floor to make the most of it and for about an hour we danced to fairly good music. Then we bumped into Zack again and I chatted with his little boy toy.  

The rest of the night just went on until the DJ stopped everything 6 minutes early. We left the club and went through the bar to go outside. And I smoked my last cigarette and made Tia and Phil to promise to support me in this. They vowed to not let me smoke around them and in the event I am caught with a cigg in my hand they would take it. September 3 would be the day of my last cigarette for life.

Jay dropped everyone off and I walked into my mom’s dark house where everyone was sleeping. While I missed MeTo it was good to be back in Philadelphia the one place that no matter what would always be my home.

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