26 May 2008

I Think I failed To Mention

Ok so things have been rapidly changing. Friday morning i quit Home Depot, cant remember if i told you that. I quit mainly because I am sick of my life revolving around there schedule. I had to make everything in my life come second to to my job. I dint even like my job like that and I was not in a high paying position. It made no since to me that I could not have some kind of stable schedule. So I quit not to mention they had a points system and it turned out that I was late at least twice a week. I didn’t know because I punched in on time but I didn’t make it to the floor on time. In combination with the two days that I had to call out it was at the point limit.

Not to be unnerved by not having a job I relied on the appointment at the talent agency and an interview with blinds to go. That afternoon I had set up an interview in Plymouth meeting, New Jersey and a phone interview for a job in Pittsburgh.

Came Saturday I went to the talent agency and all went well I wasn’t even asked all the questions I was supposed to be asked. And I guess you can say I was called back. That night I went to my friend Rachael’s birthday get together. We had fun and I think its official I will be donating sperm later in life to father her and her fiancĂ©’s baby. Yes they are lesbians.

I found out this morning my roommate is going to throw a party on June sixth. The same day as my sister’s senior prom, so I will be quite busy that day. Hopefully I will have a job I like by then.

So there you have it, today I got the car washed so I will look nice getting out of it at my interview in case I am seen prematurely, I darkened my hair and I am hoping to get an oil change early tomorrow and then go to my interview.

Also, I think there may be a new guy but I’ll tell about all that tomorrow.

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