07 February 2008


I know that it may appear strange that I would start the year off with my first blog being about Victor getting mugged but in fact it is the one I am.

On February sixth Victor was mugged. The story is a strange one as victor walked away with everything except a cell phone that was about to kick the bucket.

He was walking home after work late the hour was a half past eight. While talking on his phone in hopes to avoid a confrontation he was struck from behind. He reports as to turning around to acknowledge that is realized he was being followed.

Being only a block away from his residence he felt that it was safe and their was no need to be alarmed. The moment the thought ran through his head it was immediately knocked out when he was struck from behind. With adrenalin pumping, he screamed “Oh my god.” The attackers which were a group of about 5 black males forced him to the ground. At that moment there is no doubt about divine intervention, as Victor could clearly see the men were swinging but each blow missed or landed ever so softly. He called out for help about twice. On of the attackers shouted get of the phone and attempted to grab it. Victor tossed it aside and two went for it. after shouting one more time all fled leaving victor in shock as to what just happened.

Confused and startled victor continued home. Once home he realized his roommate was home but sound asleep. He logged onto aim and told his best friend what had happened. After the exchange of a few words he requested she call his mother to help him deal with the situation.

In the end Victor gave a report to the cops and his mother gave him a stun gun.

In an effort not to let the events of the night ruin his day he took his normal dose of St Johns wart along with his normal vitamins in order to stay happy and blissful through his day.

(Tomorrow check back as we begin the tale of “New to Life” Staring Victor)

I am Titus Sheldon

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