You know so many men claim to want to find love and settle down. The find the person they claim to be the right fit and give the impression to be falling hard. We have all heard the story of the guy who seemed like he was the one only to turn around and walk away with someone else, cheated, or began acting uninterested and when called on it made it seem like the other person was needy, overbearing, had trust issues, and was too much to deal with.
Actions speak louder than words don't be all hot and heavy and then do a 180 its men like you that make it bad for all the good ones. I think its time for a game changer. I no longer trust anyone i am dating and shall precede with my life as such. Trust is something one has to earn and once earned if you lose it don't expect to get it back.
Mr, cocky has broken my trust and when given a second chance he played games. My friends are screaming for me to seek vengeance. it just might be time for Mr. Cocky to meet Titus Sheldon.
19 October 2013
29 August 2013
My Love Life
"Stop Me"
(Mark Ronson feat. Daniel Merriweather)
Stop me, oh, stop me
Stop me if you think that you've
Heard this one before
Stop me, oh, stop me
Stop me if you think that you've heard this one before
Nothing's changed
I still love you, oh, I still love you
...Only slightly, only slightly less than I used to, my love
I was delayed, I was way-laid
An emergency stop
I saw the last ten seconds of life
I crashed down on the crossbar
And the pain was enough to make
A shy, bald, Buddhist reflect
And plan a mass murder
Who said lied I'd to her ?
Oh, who said I'd lied because I never ? I never !
Who said I'd lied because I never ?
I was detained, I was restrained
And broke my knee
And broke my spleen
(and then he really laid into me)
Friday night in Out-patients
Who said I'd lied to her ?
Oh, who said I'd lied ? - because I never, I never
Who said I'd lied ? - because I never
Oh, so I drank one
It became four
And when I fell on the floor ...
...I drank more
Stop me, oh, stop me
Stop me if you think that you've
Heard this one before
Stop me, oh, stop me
Stop me if you think that you've heard this one before
Nothing's changed
I still love you, oh, I still love you
...Only slightly, only slightly less than I used to, my love
Set free me why don't you
get out my life why don't you
Cause you don't really love me, no
You just keep my hanging on
Set me free why don't you girl
get out my life why don't you babe
Cause you don't really love me, no, no
You just keep my hanging on
Vixtor B
09 August 2013
My Dirty Little Secret.
Many say that it is a disgusting habit, and I being an “off
and on” smoker now for 8 years have my own opinions. But the truth of the
matter is that different people smoke for different reasons. Most people are
honestly addicted to nicotine while others simply cannot let go of the repetitious
behavior that is the act of smoking. Some people smoke so infrequently that
they still get that high with every cigarette while others do it for social
Tobacco companies know all the different reasons people
smoke and are doing all they can to see to it that no matter how high the taxes
get on a pack of smokes, people will want to feel the need to keep lighting up.
At birth I was thrust into a world where I would have a permanent
memory of the havoc that cigarette abuse can cause to a person. My grandfather
was already on a respirator and confined to bed with emphysema. My mother and
grandmother explained as soon as they thought I would understand that pop pop
was in his condition because he smoked cigarettes.
I fell in love with my grandfather, he was such a sweet and
kind hearted man that to this day when you mention him people are quick to
share a story of how awesome he was. I would sit in his room and we would talk
for hours or watch TV. He loved the company and I just loved being around him.
He would sometimes slip me candy before dinner and tell me not to tell my
grandmother, she was often in the kitchen cooking at the time.
It was the loss of my grandfather that began my long road to
understanding death. I remember the day he went into the hospital and how much
I wanted to go visit. I remember the bowls of cereal he would send home with my
mother so that I would know he was thinking of me. I also remember the night
that I was taken with my sister to my paternal grandmother’s because my pop pop
had passed away. I was barely four and lost my first best friend.
At his funeral my uncle lifted me up and told me to say,
“Bye pop pop.” I did as instructed knowing that it was the last time I would be
able to ever see him. I did not know what death was but I knew at that moment
Pop Pop was gone. At the internment I remember nothing else but watching them
lower his silver casket into the ground. The lesson my family all took from
this was that we should never smoke.
I was 20 years old and living in my first apartment and the
peer pressure was astounding. When I was 18 I had smoked a cigarette at a
concert and hated it. Now I was told about the joys of pot and cigars. I took
to trying cigars and then cigarillos which then lead to me trying Marlboro’s
then Newport 100’s. My work mom smoked 100’s because on her smoke break it took
less time to smoke a half a 100 than it did a full short and half a 100’s gave
just the right amount of nicotine she needed.
For several years I smoked off and on. I would quit cold
turkey and be fine for sometimes more than a year. Then I would start stress
smoking which would be so sporadic that most people did not even know I
smoked. While living with MeTo I managed
to quit for over two years only smoking when with friends in Philly on an
extremely rare occasion.
Then I moved back to Philly and hit with the stress of JR and
MeTo I began smoking again. The following January I found a reason to quit cold
turkey and did with much success until I was walking from the Couch Tomato
Café. I was having a bad day I had to move and so I stopped into CVS and
instead of ordering my old friend Newport I got what started it all, Marlboro
Red 100’s. Just goes to show you I like most things in my life to be red.
I labeled myself a stress smoker and people only got to see
me smoke if I was in a stressful situation and then I learned to handle stress in
a different way so I stopped smoking.
It was this past June while in MCES that I started smoking
again, every friend that I made was a smoker and so on smoke breaks I would
join them in the smoke room and light one up. Once out I went right for the
emergency stress pack I had stashed away and have been smoking ever since.
Every time I get to the last cigarette I take my time about replacing the pack
in hopes to quit but something happens and I run to the Rite Aid at work or the
Korean near home and buy another pack.
One time I had decided I was done and then I went off my
meds and I became so stressed and angry that I wanted just one which led to a
new pack. Then there was the weekend MeTo and I started talking again and I was
beginning to think he was not being honest and was seeing other people so I
figured I would buy a pack to get me through the weekend, I did not want to buy
them but every time a bad though would cross my mind about MeTo I would light
up and feel a lot better.
For me I still get that high occasionally and the recent
infrequency is making me consider quitting but this time is the hardest. I
tried going cold turkey like all the times before but my will power is not
there. I tried switching brands to something I hated but it beat NOT smoking. I
don’t know if it is the meds or the fact that I honestly have trouble with
dealing with stress but the motion of lighting and taking drag after drag is
what has got me hooked, it is the entire art of smoking that soothes me and
calms me down. I want to quit but I am finding it hard to align everything in
my mind to do it.
I remember my Pop Pop and I don’t want anyone in my family
to go through that and I don’t want to suffer the way he did. I have the
motivation but I look at my other grandmother who has smoked all her life and at
74 is still going strong and that puts doubt in my mind as far as health reasons.
I know G-d does not want me to smoke, it is polluting his temple, smoking also
speeds the aging process and I am too vain to allow that to happen.
They say there is a right time for everything and that a sigh
will come. Once it was so I could date anyone I wanted but it’s just me so I
guess this is me asking G-d, “Help!”
Vixtor B
04 August 2013
I Asked for a Blessing.
It was my day off from the job that pays the bills and I
woke with a bad headache and groggy. I thought nothing of it as I took some ibuprofen
and went back to bed to wait for it to kick in but it was the start to a not so
good day.
I had a lot that needed to be taken care of. I had to make
phone calls for my second job and I had to make some personal calls regarding
my computer and medication. I was only able to make a few calls for my second
job as the phone call with tech support and my medication took much more of my
time than I had intended.
When all was said and done I would have to be without my
laptop for a week and I would have to go a few more days without my medication.
I then got a call saying that a warrant would be placed for my arrest due to an
unpaid payday loan from 2009. I was pissed as the woman on the phone was nasty
and unwilling to work with me to resolve the issue outside of court.
I went to the free clinic to see about having my
prescription moved to them because I would not be able to see a psychologist
until September. I was told that on my
day off I would have to come in for a walk in appointment and see what could be
done then. Feeling defeated by the day I went home.
I made a Facebook status update about how the day was rough
and that I was hoping G-d would send me something amazing. It was a few minutes
before I decided to log into my computer but when I did there it was, a message
from Wanita. I had been planning to send her a letter hopping that she lived in
the same place. We had lost touch around the time I moved back to Philly and I
really missed her.
Wanita, I used to call her work mom, and I used to work
together. I met her when I was 19 at my first full time job and I soon began
working side by side with her. We were as thick as thieves, she had a son older
than me and we became so close that she became my mother when my birth mother
was not around. She taught me so much about how to carry myself at work and
cover my ass and then went on to teach me about how I should carry myself when
I go out with friends and how a good friend should treat you. The lessons went on and on and she was right
there for me when I turned 21 and when I came out of the closet.
She protected me as if I was her own and around her I could
not have felt any safer. I admired here to the point that when I needed advice
it was either her, my aunt or my own mother that I asked for advice and there
was no other word on the matter.
In the modern world of constant cell phone upgrades I lost
her number and she lost mine. But the day came when I really needed a blessing
from G-d and so I told him and he sent me her number. I wasted no time in calling
her and the joy we shared in hearing one another’s voices brought tears of joy
to my eyes. I wasted no time in planning a time for us to hang out and gave her
my first available slot. We have so much to catch up on and we both are looking
forward to Friday.
Words cannot express the joy I have that G-d has brought
back to me one of the greatest people he has ever placed in my life and I will
not let her get lost in the mess of life again.
Vixtor B
19 July 2013
My Last Post . . . On Depression.
There is a lot about depression that many people do not seem
to understand. The most major thing that people fail to realize is that it is different
for different people. For many people they ignore the feeling because it feels
so normal that they just adjust to it, or so they think they adjust to it. It
is the moment that a person thinks they are adjusting that they are at the
point where they really need help. For me I hid it so well and had withdrawn in
such a manner that I felt I was just going to live the way I was without anyone
ever noticing.
The thoughts in my head became so strong that trying to
ignore them was normal; it was a part of my day to day. There was no feeling of
worthlessness just the feeling of how do I keep others from noticing that I am
not happy. It became so hard to pretend that work was double hard. I had to
remember how the normal me acted in certain situations and then precede to fake
emotions and pretend I was the person I was before things got bad.
This all went on until my brain just could not take the
extra effort anymore and was looking for a way, anyway, to make it all stop. So
I got the idea of suicide, had I not used writing to express my sadness and
tell my friends, family and the man I hoped to be the last man I ever loved,
that I wanted to end it all, it would have certainly all stopped for good. I needed
to be sure that it was what I wanted to do and so I went to work and sure
enough, as the day went on I was convinced it was the right thing.
If it had not been for my mother checking her email before I
thought she would, I would not be around to write about the ordeal that I had
to undergo to not only understand what I was dealing with but the severity and
then how to manage it.
Medication and a strong support system is what I was missing
in my life. It turned out I had it all backwards and to this day I have to live
with the hurt of when I realized that some people just do not care as much as
they say they do.
The thing about medications is that you cannot just stop; I know
I tried it and learned the hard way. When my medication ran out withdrawal
began almost immediately. First I suffered from insomnia and then a total loss
of appetite even when I sat down to eat I couldn’t and when I laid down to
sleep my mind would race and my body would ach to be doing something more
active. One would think that I would have used the time to be more productive
but I could not, no matter how hard I tried. The thoughts got worse and worse.
At my lowest point I remember a wide range of emotions happening
in rapid succession. I would experience fear for no obvious reason, anger,
rage, sadness, hurt, despair, loneliness, I would try to attribute some cause
to how I was feeling, try to pinpoint a why other than something being wrong
with me but none of it made since and all I could do was sit and think. I was
strapped in and the rollercoaster had begun to move and no matter how loud I screamed
the rid would not stop.
For several days I dealt with this terrifying experience, I wanted
to talk to someone but when I tried I could not form the words to say “Help.” I
tried to explain what I was dealing with to my aunt and mother but for fear of
over worrying them I simply told them I was not sleeping. It was the truth but
not the whole truth. I wanted to talk to someone who I could feel would simply
listen without trying to, “Fix me.” But I felt there was no one. I could never
get the right people on the phone at the right time or they would try to have
the conversation with me via text and one of my other emotions would take over
and would come across as moody, or mean, or simply distant.
A part of me was screaming and screaming loud, I knew I
needed help and the rational part of me wanted help. But what do you say to
someone after you ask for help, what do you tell them? I was just going through
withdrawal and in a few days it would be over.
The saddest part is that I was fine so long as I had some
kind of immediate obligation such as work or meeting friends but the moment I had
a day off the worst thing happened to me. I was at a point where I thought I was
fine. I was taking sleeping pills to help me sleep and I was eating again but
the thoughts were all still there. I would get scared to call my family for
fear that they had bad news or that because I had not talked to them they were
angry with me. I chose not to call friends because I could not think of a way
to express myself that did not make me sound crazy. I was home alone and not a
soul knew what I was up to.
Sitting at my computer working on my blog I thought I was
fine and then I got a text while I was in a rage and I snapped at the person. The
person having no idea what I was going through gave a nasty retort and I tried
to explain myself but it was coming out all wrong, I sounded like a crazy
person. I tried to call but there was no answer I wanted to explain myself and
no matter how many times I called it was confirmation of my thoughts. I had thought about all kinds of ways to end
the pain over the past few days but each time I went to do it the rational part
of me gave a reason why not to and I stopped.
I was now arguing with myself in my head, “DO THIS. NO, Do
that instead! Wait this is a better idea!” I finally had it and could think of
only one thing to make it all stop. I had done the research and the bottle was
right there. “If you don’t want to talk to me then fine you will never have to
deal with me again!” that was the text I sent right before I used what was left
of a gallon jug of water to swallow an almost full bottle of sleeping pills.
I was shocked that it was so easy and I was sure I did not
have long because I used liquid gels. I took a minuet and then it dawned on me
that I was being irrational and in a panic and fear of myself I called 911. My head
went into another whirlwind and I was thinking about so much so fast that
before I could take a single action, the paramedics were already in the house
looking for me. I was defeated and so I walked down the stairs and into the ambulance.
Even once I was in the emergency room I thought about
running out. Even though I was faking calm my heart rate was elevated and my
blood pressure was dangerously high. I felt I had lost the battle and that
thought made me hope that somehow the pills would rush into my system and I would
die the slow painful death that I had read about.
However I knew that being where I was it was the start of
another amusement park rid and I was strapped in and could not get off until the
rid was over. So I sent a text and told the person who I sent my last text to
that I was in the ER and to call my mother. After I sent the text it was clear
that my stomach did not like how the overdose felt and so I vomited. I then was
given a drink to induce me to vomit yet again.
When my mother arrived the feeling of defeat was so strong
that I cried and cried hard. I never cry, since I was in middle school I had
simply stopped crying I just get sad or depressed and when the feeling is gone I
return to normal. But this time I cried I was exhausted and could not fight
what was going on inside of me. I could not bottle my emotions and I could not
voice how I was feeling so there was only one thing left to do and I did it.
If you have read all the post prior to this you know how
this story ends. I do not share this story for sympathy or kudos or anything of
that nature. I am simply sharing in hopes to help someone else, to let people
know some of the things that can lead to suicide, and that depression is a lot
harder to deal with than people think. Depression is also difficult because it
effects and manifest it’s self in many different people in many different ways.
Sometimes I sit and think about all that I have lost to
depression, in a way I lost some friends, I can no longer trust people the same
way I used to and I lost MeTo. I tried hard to be honest but for the last few
months I just could not tell anyone how I felt because I did not know how. My real
friends made an honest effort to help me but how can they help a person who has
learned how to fake being well, so well? My life has changed so drastically
because of this; mostly for the good but there is a whole future that I was so
sure I was going to have that is gone. I
mourn that loss as I should and I hope that the day soon comes when I can see a
new future and be just as excited if not more.
Simply put, this is my story.
Vixtor B
18 July 2013
The Darkest Chapter of My Life Part 6, “The Final Blow”
I decided to send my friends a text telling them I just got
out the hospital. The response was shocking it basically went like this. From
Icon there was no response and from the other two, “Sorry but we are all going
through stuff.” I was so taken back that these were my so called best friends
and here they find out I attempted suicide and there is no sign of concern, I guess
I should have known when they chose to never call or text to ask why I was not
hanging out with them.
Set to just cut all the bad from my life I sent a text to MeTo
and told him I needed to talk to him. When I got him on the phone he told me
how he was worried and thought he was making things worse so he decided to keep
his distance. At that I backed down from cutting off all contact. I tried to
understand his logic and told him that if I had gotten a message it would have
made things easier.
The day came when I was supposed to start outpatient therapy
but there was a mix up so my intake appointment was rescheduled. Then a week
later my meds ran out. I began experiencing really bad withdrawal. I could not
eat, and I could not sleep and when I tried to call MeTo to talk there was no
Things began to get really bad around day two, I could no
longer control my mood and sleeping and eating was completely out of the
question. MeTo would text me but not call and I would snap and he would then
get distance. I tried to explain to him what was going on but it was hard via
text message and he still refused to answer the phone or call. I figured it was
a lost cause expecting him to be there for me and that I was reaching for the
stars expecting him to help me.
By the time my refill was called in I was done with the
withdrawal and decided to stay off of the meds. It had been two days since I
talked to MeTo when on Tuesday he sent me a text that he was worried and that
he missed me. I retorted back yeah right. He then told me he was done trying to
convince me that he cared and said he gets the picture he would stay away. Once
again I tried to explain things to him and then tried to call and he still
would not answer. I became impulsive and angry and suicidal. I tried smoking
and it was not helping and so I told him that if he did not want to talk to me
that I would just end it and so I downed an entire bottle of sleeping pills.
My body was shaking and the shock of how easy swallowing the
pills was pulled me back just long enough to call 911. I gave my address and
explained what happened. I was told to stay on the line for poison control but
I hung up. I was once again confused as to what I should do. Do I leave the
house, or do I go and lie and say it was a false alarm? I had only moments and
before I could think I heard the paramedics in the house. I went down stairs
and told them what happened.
Before I knew it I was at the hospital and told to lie down.
I was angry and hurt and disappointed that I ended up back in this place. A
part of me blamed MeTo, if he had just once picked up the phone to call me
without me asking or begging him to I would feel that he cared and I would not
want to hurt myself for being stupid. But I knew the blame was all mine because
I allowed him in. I deserved what I got and I was unsure if I wanted to survive.
I was asked a thousand questions about hearing voices and
why I did it. I was embarrassed so I lied as to why but everything else was the
truth. MeTo began texting me asking why but I felt no real concern so I told
him to call my mother and tell her I was sorry and let her know what happened.
It was not long before she showed up with my step father and I began to cry. I finally
did it I cried and everything came out. I felt stronger. All my life I just
wanted to cry when I felt hurt but years of being hurt so often made it so that
I could only bottle it all up.
I was told to drink activated carbon, charcoal mixed with
sugar and water. It made me HURL, anything that was in my stomach and lower intestines,
came up in huge burst. And when I was empty my stomach tried to push out more.
It looked like someone tried to die their hair black using the toilet.
After several hours of observation I was sent to crises
center where I retold the story of not what just happened that day but when I
first had thoughts of suicide. I considered myself lucky because I could
attribute this attempt medically to going off my meds and because I was already
on outpatient I was ok to go home. The
last thing I wanted was to be stuck inside another crises center.
I went home and took my meds, it was official I had no
choice but to take pills for my immediate future. But one thing was clear the
pills helped and MeTo made my greatest fear come true, that when I really
needed him and really wanted him, he was not there.
Vixtor B
17 July 2013
The Darkest Chapter of My Life Part 5 “Welcome Home, Bon Voyage.”
I was excited to spend time with my mother but kind of happy
that she had to go back to work, I was anxious to see my Roommate and talk to
all the friends who showed extreme concern.
When I got home there was my roommate Marcy sitting on the porch with a
few other people. I had a tone of stuff to bring in the house and once it was
all in I hugged my mother and I sat to talk to my roommate.
I told her of a few stories and she told me what she had gone
through. My mother had told her that I was coming home and Marcy planned
accordingly. There was a card for me and as she was leaving the next day for a
vacation. We had a few people come over that night. My straight boyfriend had
bought me a cookie the day I was 302ed to cheer me up and of course I had to
explain to all my roommates and friends what exactly happened that day.
I had to keep my drinking to a minimum as I was officially
on an anti-depressant but I had a blast. Soon it was bed time and things took a
turn for the worse. I had invited a friend over and we ended up sleeping
together. This started a long chain of promiscuous behavior for me. I remember calling Stacy and Bella and the
first thing Stacy asked was if I got laid and I told her I did. We laughed and
then talked about who was still there and was not.
I took the rest of the week off from work so I could get
adjusted and take care of things. The next day I awoke to find Marcy gone as
expected. I was home alone to do nothing but think. The amount of support shown
for what I went through was astounding. I was so touched that I was still on
cloud nine. There was just one major thing missing, my so called best friends.
Vixtor B
16 July 2013
The Darkest Chapter of My Life Part 4 “Oh The People You Meet.”
Hello Mr. Abercrombie
So there is not much to look at in crises centers but
Thursday during outside time there was my roommate who had the sexy eyes and
the quiet guy who was built ford tough and you know would just be one good
ride. We watched as he threw the
football back and forth. Stacy had a boyfriend of ten years and while she liked
the view there were too many years of looking at the menu and eating at home,
that and she preferred black guys. We kept our eye on him and made it our
mission to get to know him.
By lunch time Friday after being told the doctors wanted to
keep me up to 20 more days in this place I was determined to become some kind
of head honcho. If I had to stay 20 days I was going to break some rules, that
meant finding out which side of Abercrombie’s bread was buttered, Besides
Anastasia liked him too. So we waited for him to sit down during lunch, he sat
at a four top and we sat with him. He
was clearly nervous and so we waited for him to calm down and then I got the
ball rolling. He would not talk too much when I was around but he did open up
to Anastasia when I walked away to get something to drink. He then asked why I
was there and when he asked why, his first guess ways guys then he added girls
as if to make it seem he was open to all people but to us it just sounded a bit
to second nature but I was not yet convinced.
At smoke break I was given a paper that I was only up to 6
more days which meant I could get laid regardless.
Hello Bella
This real sexy Italian woman was all quiet and sitting alone
in the activities room and so I sat next to her with no intention of
befriending but low and behold she was perfect. I could not imagine how she
could be here but naturally it was an overdose. She had other issues to that
made me just feel bad, it was all medical type shit, nothing that was her
She arrived the day after I did and stayed in here room. It
was not until Sunday that we became full-fledged friends.
When my roommate was discharged on Friday I was hoping it
would be awhile before I would have another roommate and that if I did he would
be just as if not more awesome than then the last. I went to my room to find a
short black guy on the bed reading. I
introduced myself and quickly left to tell my new buddies that I now had
another roommate. It was short lived because in the middle of the night they
swapped him out for a guy who was 6’5 and did nothing but sleep. The next day
at breakfast I told my friends what had happened at which they all laughed. The
day was spent mostly just hanging around. There were some groups but it was
mostly scheduled fun activities.
Bella, Stacy and I were thick as thieves. Because I had
mentioned to my doctors about my occasional Marijuana use they put in my file
that I should go to co-occurring groups which now meant I could go to all the
groups if I wanted to. My hearing on Friday also said that I would only be
staying up to six more days which I was ok with. I knew that going to all the
groups and talking to every staff member I could, it would make that even less.
Saturday around noon Rachel came in. she was intriguing and it turned out it
was a botched impulsive attempt at suicide. She soon regretted it but her
husband insisted she go get help.
Along with Rachael I met John. He was a diabetic with only
one leg and a good amount of his fingers missing. His story was so said that I
will not share it but let’s just say he needs a divorce.
Later that day I found out that the guy who was removed from
my room was James and that he knew my friend Stacy, small world. I quickly
enjoyed the fact that I did not go to Delco, at least I would not bump into
anyone that I knew. James joined our group even though he was in for anger it
was soon discovered that he was just in a bad situation at the wrong time.
The weekend for the most part was fun, there was Karaoke
which made Rachael a star and then Tanya, a little Asian woman who not only
enjoyed rap but was good at it. There was almost never a dull moment.
Bella was in because of her mother fabricated a story about
here trying to kill herself on multiple occasions. When Bella read here 302
paper work to us it made her mother sound far worse than we had imagined.
Sunday during our time in the court yard the activities
director came up to me and we began to have a very deep conversation and at the
heart of it was MeTo. I poured out my heart to here and let here have all the
gory details. I really liked this woman and felt safe around her, the whole
time I was there I would chat and she would even open up about her own life to
me. It was then that after a week of not
hearing from MeTo that I had to accept the fact that things were over and that
he no longer cared for me the way I cared for him. She never advised but asked
questions to help me come to the conclusion that I would just have to cut him
out of my life. I knew I did not want to do it right away which she agreed was
a good idea.
Monday came and I had
had enough, everyone was getting discharged or knew when they were getting
discharged. I was taking meds and went to every group and now they were
repeating. I clamed up and went to my room. While lying on my bed and watching
the rain hit the glass block window my psychologist came in and asked how I was
doing, he then told me he would try to get me out Tuesday. The news made my
Stacy was not getting discharged until Friday and Bella
might have to stay the maximum 20 days. We exchanged numbers and prepared for
the moment when we all would be separated. James was leaving that day and so we
made sure that we had a way to keep in touch.
Tuesday came and I acted like a king, I did what I wanted
and was so giddy and happy that they had no choice but to let me go. My mother
came to pick me up right at lunch time and I realized how bitter sweet it all
Here I made several new friends and some of them I had to
accept the fact that I just might not ever see or hear from them again. They
served their purpose in my life and I had to move on. A part of me wanted to cry but another part
wanted to just scream and never look back. When all was said and done and I saw
the sun on the other side I ran for it screaming, “I’m Free!” in honesty I was free
of MCS but my battle with depression was still going on and about to get a
little harder.
Vixtor B
14 July 2013
The Darkest Chapter of My Life Part 3 “On The Inside.”
My first night I was nervous but I found people I could get
along with. The next day I wanted to sleep late but I had to get blood drawn. I
went back to bed only to be awakened by a loud woman telling my roommate and me
it was time for breakfast. I grabbed want looked to be the fixings for a “Make
your own” breakfast sandwich. I was not given any meat because it was pork and
I have an allergy. It was so damn bad that I wanted to hurl. But there was
yogurt and fruit.
As I munched on my apple, which would be my main source of
sustenance, an odd woman came up and said she could not see me. Now this is
time for a back story. The night of my
arrival and once semi-settled I had to ask the nurses’ station a question, I
was directed there for some odd reason, it could have been for that MRI or EKG.
All I remember is that it was a test it and it had letters and I was told to
ask for it. A man walked out of the station and I said excuse me, he looked my
way then went back in. I looked to the man next to me and asked, “Can you see
me?” he replied, “Oh Yeah I can see you.” He was visiting a patient who would
turn out to be the funniest story I have had the pleasure of hearing. Later when I went to watch TV in the
activities room the guy who I shall call Mike made a joke about wind coming in
but not seeing the source. He then explained to me and everyone present that it
was his father who I asked about my sudden invisibility.
So back to breakfast, this was about the third time I heard
the joke and all I could do was smile and rush through the apple. Each time she
would see me it was followed up with, “That’s just to funny.” She was quick to
recognize my cool awesomeness, I assumed she was not all gone or all bad but I
was going to get to know this person a lot better than I maybe would like to. I began going to groups and but when the
co-occurring recovery groups were taking place I had nothing to do. So I found
a book at the nurses’ station and my roommate gave me a book. Both thick, both
written for adults who ENJOY reading. I
tried to read but soon found that I wanted to sit and try to write. I sat for
about an hour on Wednesday just getting to know my roommate and that’s when the
question was asked, “So why are you here?” without hesitation I retorted,
“Attempted Suicide.” We went back and forth until he got the whole story and I
used gender neutrals when referring to my ex and he soon got the picture. He
was still shocked that I would even think about it.
Many people asked the question of what lead to my 302 and
they all gave the shocked look to my answer. I was determined to make the best
of this situation. I hated depression and I did not want to deal with it any
more. If I could not kill myself then I had to take advantage of government
programs that make it so that such people as me would not want to do what I had
I smiled at everyone and talked to all the nurses and staff
and my case worker was the best. She found it easy to relate to me and listened.
I found her to be the easiest person to talk to. She really seemed like she
wanted to understand ME not the why’s or how’s but how I felt and what I
thought and how she could help me, unlike my doctors on the other hand.
So there was my Therapist and there was my psychologist. My
psychologist refused to make eye contact and spoke softly, this was such a
shock to me that after he gave his sepal about who he was and blab bla bla I
blurted out, “What?” To prevent myself
from laughing. He however was a good looking man, his demeanor was just a turnoff,
so I could see why there was no ring. After maybe five minutes if not less I
was sent on my way. I did not get much done in the way of groups on Wednesday
because every time I got into something I was called into another short meeting
where they either picked my brain, got a statement about why I was there or to
poke me for some other physical reason.
One guy (a nurse practitioner) gave me a physical and asked if I had
enough at breakfast, I wanted to say, “As much as I could stand,” but I simply
said plenty. He then said it sounded like I didn’t eat enough, and he was
My therapist, I like to refer to as the Happy Lumberjack. He
wore plaid, a tie and jeans, and it was all well-coordinated, eh hmm. He had a
soft and pleasant speaking voice and all I could do to keep from laughing was
smile and node. He would open with, “How are you feeling today? What do you want to talk about, what would YOU
like to discuss. “He was so fucking cute with his Mister Rogers voice I had to
think about weather I wanted to huge him or deck him.
In my first meeting we discussed MeTo. I was devastated when
I checked my voice mail and did not hear from him. I was so hurt I was doing
everything in my power not to think or talk about it. I could not understand
how you can tell someone you love them more than anything and that they will
have your heart forever and when they tell you they are going to kill
themselves you do nothing. I let it all go on my lumber jack therapist. He
helped me to realize that surprising how I feel towards someone is not good. It
is ok to want to punch someone in the face and relish in the thought. You have
to keep it in thought, accept how you feel, deal with it in thought and then
move one. I felt so much better that, that night I dreamt about kicking MeTo’s
ass, I relished in the dream, woke up and let it go.
Night time was the worse; there was nothing to do so I took
a shower. My Mother could not get clothes to me until Thursday and my sister
was going to bring them. I checked my voice mail and still nothing from MeTo or
my so called “Best” friends. Bombshell had called me and was clearly worried so
I got her number from my mother and left her a voicemail telling her I was ok and
getting help. I also got the number for a friend of mine from jersey, only to
find out that you could not make out of state calls, so I could not reach out
to MeTo even if I wanted to.
I woke up Thursday in full swing of things I had set a
reputation and found out who the cool kids were; I survived high school once I
could do it again. There were your cliques, there were the cool kids, suicides
and drug over doses, the cheerleaders – attempted suicides who thought ALL
people are fucked up so they try to be friends with everyone, the want to be
cool kids – people with more than one issue but are in such denial they are
hard to help, the loners the anger issues
and really mentally damaged, and the staff. I was always a cool kid and
it was not long before the cool kids started talking to me and about me in
positive ways.
There was mike, he was in because he mixed his medications
up and started seeing aliens. Dirk my roommate who OD’d on heroin by accident.
Troy who simply pissed off the wrong people with the right connections and
Samantha a heavyset girl who was in for an OD but was so funny and strong you
ONLY wanted to be her friend or you simply hopped she didn’t notice you. I kind
of stunk with them most of Thursday until I met Anastasia. She was quiet and I
went to sit next to her and we started talking and formed our own little
twosome until later that day I met Stacy. She was only an inch shorter than me.
I had noticed her before but she was quiet and had a distant look on her face.
But she opened up to us and just like in high school I had my own little
clique. We talked and giggled at the fact that while most people were way older
than us everything you need to survive in a place like this you learned in high
school. We all went to the same groups together; watched TV together and
eventually started taking smoke breaks together. ALL the original cool kids were discharged on
Friday and so it was my group and the cheerleaders.
The night before the woman who kept the invisibility joke
going pushed me to the limit and I had to curse her out. She stopped talking to
me for two days; ah I wish it had lasted longer.
Vixtor B
The Darkest Chapter of My Life - Part 2
I would go to work and on my way home I would, get sleeping
pills and a bottle of vodka. Once I got home I would tidy my room give myself a
facial and get hammered on the vodka. I would eat a little then swallow the
entire box of sleeping pills.
I went to work as I had planned and I was excited about my
plan, I was looking forward to 5 o’clock when I got off and could home to end
the pain forever. I was at work for all of two hours when I had to answer the
phone, the person asked for Victor Bethea, it as a man then I heard the
unmistakable voice of my mother. “Do you know what I went through this
morning?” I knew it my plan was foiled. I told her not to come to my and she
said ok, I knew that meant she was already on her way.
I had no idea how to handle this, do I run, where do I run
to? I asked to go on a ten and I went to buy the sleeping pills. I came back
still panicky. I decided that when I saw my mother I would run out the back and
hide or take the bus home or something that I did not know, all I knew was that
I would find a way to get away from her.
My plan was foiled yet again because my coworker told me she
hated being on the register and so I jumped on and in the midst of taking
orders and failed to know the passing of time or the fact that my mother had
jumped in line. My heart sank as I saw the expression of, “I GOT YOU!” on her
face. It was a look of relief and joy mixed with hurt. I had never seen it before but I recognized
it immediately and my heart screamed and cried.
I wanted to hit the floor and let my emotions poor out but I could not
because something else within me cranked the spigot to the faucet tight and
would not let any emotions of any kind out.
My mother demanded that I go and speak with her. I could see
fear, the kind that she was afraid of what I might do, but I also saw the strength
in her that she could handle whatever I could dish out and then some. So I
reluctantly complied and I tried to rationalize my decision which still after
all I just saw seemed like a good idea. When pleading and trying to get me to
see the mistake I was making did not work, her friend came to speak with me and
then the her pastor who made me want to do nothing more than get away and so I
Everyone else handled themselves well but the pastor caused
a scene and I was embarrassed. I wanted him to go away and my boss was trying
to understand what was going on and do here job of getting control of the
situation and the pastor just clammed up and repeated, “I want to talk to the
STORE manager.” And after the assistant manager was not enough I was asked if I
wanted to take this to a more private location and as my mother chased me she
called the police so that I could be 302’d. Once the police arrived, I was
asked all kinds of questions as to my plan and why.
The pills were found and my fate was sealed. I was going to
be taken to Norristown hospital. My mother wanted to take me to some place in
DelCo but the pastor insisted that I be taken by the police. I was willing to
go to DelCo, HELL I know DelCo I did not know Montgomery County.
Handcuffed, I was escorted out of the store and placed in a police
vehicle where a motor brigade of my mother, another cop car and my mother’s
pastor took me to a place for people like me. On the way I tried to snap myself
out of it by talking to the cop. No lie this guy was hot. I asked him where he
was from and I immediately knew why, he looked like the more butch version of
J.R. he was nice a guy though and the conversation flowed naturally.
Once I arrived they took everything from me. My bag, cell
phone, wallet, all I had on was the clothes on my back. After waiting for what
seemed like hours we got to talk to the doctor. He was HUGE a big fat guy who
sat down and I was stunned he could fit in the chair I did my best not to let
what was going on in my head to show on my face. He decided that I needed to be
“admitted” I heard “committed” but potato, tomato.
We were offered juice as we waited further and it was
undrinkable, I wanted to say something but mother advised agents it. I began joking and felt better and took a
shot of asking my mother if she would reconsider but she said this was
something I needed, I felt for her I knew this was hard but she was making it
look easy. This is a woman who I have no doubts would lay down here life for me
if it meant I could just live minutes longer. Would circle the world to save me
and stop at nothing to and sacrifice everything to ensure my welfare. Here she
was allowing me to be locked up in a place where she could not come and see me
every day, or talk to me every day, just so I could get the help I needed. She
was logical and rational, but the love was POWERFUL to the point I could not
argue with her.
She eventually had to leave and I felt like crying again. My
mouth said I understand and I was well aware of here other obligations and the
fact she had to tell my sister what happened but a huge part of me wanted, “My
With the strange guy in the lobby, the bad orange juice and
the fact that I could not have my cell phone, I wondered how anyone was
prevented from really going insane. I figured hey I have 10 bucks my mom will
bring me more and there is a coke machine, can’t be that bad.
I had to go through triage and relinquish my belt and all
jewelry except my watch, I told them the studs in my second holes were new and
might close. I needed a little bling. I then had to talk to a nurse about what
happened, I then ate turkey, yogurt, and carrots and washed it down with apple
juice that came from one of those little cartons you get in grade school at
lunch time. I wondered where the green was but considering this was hospital
food and the turkey tasted like real turkey and needed no salt I could deal.
Then an MRI then I had to talk to the activities coordinator
and sign paper work, then I met with my first contact person, then I made my
room and then I was alone. I prayed that my roommate was someone cool, cute,
and if possible gay AND a top. He however was only two out of three and that’s
far from bad. He told me about how things worked and that it beats prison, Yup
my roommate was an ex con with the sexiest eyes that you ever did see. He was
in sales and with eyes like that it was no wonder he did well. He was in for a
heroin overdose and he parents thought it was intentional. I would soon find
out that in a place like this the only people who really get along with one another
are Attempted Suicide cases and Drug over doses. It was going to be a long however long they
planned on keeping me.
Vixtor B
12 July 2013
The Darkest Chapter of My Life - Part 1
Today I came home and realized that I have not blogged in
almost two months. There has been a lot going on with me and as much as I would
like to take the night and catch up on Fringe I think it would be best to write
about how the most emotionally painful time in my life drew my real friends
close and pushed the fake ones away.
It is hard to find the exactly perfect moment so I will
start with the most relevant. The month of May I had noticed that a check
bounced. I decided to lay off the clubbing to get my finances in order; I
wanted to be good for pride month. As I
withdrew from the gay scene I found it odd that the only person to call me was
Tammy, she called once and once I explained to him that I was taking time to
get other things in order I heard no more.
I began thinking
about everything, I thought on my friends and my money situation, my living
situation, my religion, my sexuality, promiscuity, my health, dates, past lovers, and of course
the two greats. I thought on all these things not because I had extra time from
not going out, I was working as much as I could and making my house into a
home, I was thinking because I was slipping into depression.
I have suffered from depression since I was in sixth grade,
whenever I would spot the warning signs that a big bout was coming I would
begin taking Saint John’s Wart and do whatever I could to spend time in the sun
and remain social but this time I ignored all the warnings and before I knew it
I was stuck in a rut.
I would become angry and explode then withdrawn. In a matter
of days I stopped talking to everyone including my roommates and my
mother. I tried to reach out to certain
people but they would not or could not understand what I was trying to say. I
looked to get apologies for past wrongs from those who claimed they loved me
and it took days to get an answer. I began to feel there was no point in
talking, I have said it all before. Past lovers only want to play with my
heart, my friends are only my friends when they see me, and my family should
not be burdened further with my problems.
I was convinced that there was nothing I could do about my problems.
The Sunday before Memorial Day my buddy Bombshell insisted
that I come to her BBQ. I told her I was coming from work and
empty-handed. She put her foot down and told
me I had to come. I had been dodging here for weeks with legitimate sounding
excuses and this time she was not having it. She missed me and wanted to see
me. So to her house I went where I drank till marry, smoked pot and ate. I had
a blast and forgot about all of my problems. If I had my way the night would
not have ended until I passed out but most of us, including myself, had work
the next morning.
On the way home I felt alone again and helpless and all I
could think of was the Benjamin Franklin Bridge. It was late at night and I
would not really know what was going on until I smacked the water. Not to
mention I was drunk. As I walked north
on 5th street MeTo sent me a text about being horny. I told him how
shitty I felt and that I was going to end it. He kept texting me insisting that
I don’t do it. The text went on for a while and before I knew it I made a wrong
turn and I was at the 42 bus stop. So I figured I would get on the bus, go home
and go to sleep. At this point I was thinking there was a good chance I might
have cancer. I told every who I thought
mattered and a few people were supportive Bombshell was the most supportive
telling me where to go to get a biopsy.
I was using the free clinic and they only did an ultra sound
and I was waiting on the results. So with the cancer fear, MeTo making his
usual promises and not following through, and being depressed and not talking
about it I sat on my porch smoked a cigarette and talked to MeTo who decided to
finally call. I told him I would not commit suicide and went to bed.
The next day I got up feeling no effect of a hangover and
went to work. I remembered ALL the events of the previous day and was
embarrassed and ashamed. I tried to distract myself from all of the racket in
my head with the music on my phone and the game Candy Crush. Work was work, I
put on my typical performance of, “Nothing is wrong, and I will make you
laugh.” My coworkers loved working with me and I honestly loved working with
them we had each other laughing constantly and they enjoyed my jokes and quips.
As the week went on there was nothing from MeTo until
Saturday, he sent me a text. I recall sending him something unkind in return;
obviously I do not matter as much as he says I do. If a friend of mine told me
he was planning to commit suicide I would call the next day and several times
thereafter to ensure he is fine, if the love of my life who, keeps giving me
chance after chance was talking about it, I would be ready to be on the move.
Here I only got a text five days later.
I was hurt and that only exacerbated things. Monday I woke
up numb wanting to feel something, I got out of the shower looked at myself and
decided to cut my hair. I missed my long hair but I resented it at the same
time, I felt like I could feel an old part of me return and it lasted a short
I just made it to work and the shock on people’s faces was a
new high, many loved it. That night I tried to write. I had tried to write for
several nights and nothing would come I would stare at my screen and long for
the words to come but they just would not come. I had two posts that I was
working on previous and I could not complete them. For four weeks I was unable
to write and so I went to bed where I dreamt of the same nightmares. MeTo and I
getting back together, MeTo sending me a text he was giving up on us to see
where things would go with someone new, me getting cancer and losing all of my
hair, being in pain in hospice, having to look into the face of my mother as
she watched her son slip away, my grandmother losing the only link she had to
my father, me falling for a man who found joy in tormenting me knowing that I
would stay because it was better than being alone. Night after night I was
tormented with these dreams and no matter what I ate, or watched, or listened to
nothing altered them in the least bit.
I woke Tuesday morning inspired to write finally. I began to
write and the words flowed so smoothly and so eloquently it was some of the
best writing I had ever done and I felt so much better like a weight had been
lifted off of my entire body. I then decided that if this was going to be the
last thing I ever write then I may as well make sure that all those effected
would see it. I sent an email to my mother aunt and MeTo. I then posted what I
wrote on my blog and then I posted the link on Facebook and tagged all my
friends. I then shut off my phone and came up with the plan.
Vixtor B
04 June 2013
Please Do Not Hate Me
(This once was a post describing the darkest day of my life. Thanks to help from the RIGHT friends and several LOVING family members I have over come this moment and in the interest of personal safety and Blog consistency the original contents of this post have been removed.)
Vixtor B
12 May 2013
Elephants and Mothers?

To be honest with you my entire life for the past few week
has been a smorgasbord of moments that have made me stop and realize that I am
growing up at an alarming rate and that I may in fact want just a few more
moments as a child to reflect and think about it all.
Today I found out that one of best friends is going to have
a baby. She had been keeping it a secret for a really good time and today the
jig was up. I went to see here and as I listened to her explain her reasons for
not divulging such information and how she felt about everything I was easy to
understand. The shocker was simply the fact that none of us thought she was
doing anything where she could get pregnant which led us all to ignore the elephant
in the room.
Mother’s Day was all sunshine and rainbows. My mother
requested that I go to church with here and so I requested off from work and
made myself available. We arrived late and all my time spent was helping to set
up for dinner and then leading the team with serving. It was a great time,
everyone laughed at my jokes and the jokes I heard were all worth a good chuckle.
The day progressed with stops here and there, a shoe store
for my mother, then to see my father’s mother, then to see my eldest aunt. My grandmother
talked about my late uncle and father and I was shocked to find out that my
aunt had stayed in New Jersey with here girlfriend. I sent a text to all my aunts
cousins who are mothers and called my ex in-laws. I got to chat with my former
mother in-law for a bit and assured here that everything in my life was going
great which was the truth and she told me a little bit about her day. As if by
magic a few moments latter Doctor MeTo sent me a text.
Walking home I noticed that the entire day consisted of the
time old elephants in rooms with people who refused to acknowledge it. My best
friend was pregnant and showing yet none of us decided to ask. My cousin and
the mother of his child were having a fight and still no one said a word. At church
it is obvious I am gay yet everyone acted like they could not see the obvious
and focused on other attributes of my personality. I have admitted to MeTo several
times I am having trouble forgiving him and he continues to text me as if
nothing is wrong.
Why is it that adults ignore the obvious and never speak up
when a single word will ease tension and create an environment that is more
welcoming and fun? Children “see” everything and questions what they do not
understand but once they grow up they are taught to refrain from questioning
for fear of offending.
So tonight I sent MeTo a text asking him if we were going to
continue ignoring the elephant in the room and he chose not to respond so I am
taking it as a yes. The thing about an elephant in a room is that they eventually
move and when they do, it results in damage. I have had enough damage done in
my life from simply not speaking up and so I am calling the zookeeper on this
elephant, MeTo has got to go.
Vixtor B
06 May 2013
Forgive and . . . Forget?
For the longest time I wondered why so many people hold on
to others in hopes that they will change. I had fallen victim to this with MeTo
constantly going back and forth in hopes that each time things would be
different. Things however only got worse and I was the one who got hurt the
most. So much so that all my friends and family would rather see me never speak
to him again than allow him to have even the smallest involvement in my life.
For weeks I have been asking myself why I was willing to give him yet another
chance. Today I got the answer to all these questions.
There is a plan I have for my life and while I am converting
to Judaism I know for sure I want to marry a Jew and raise a Jewish family.
MeTo on paper seems like the perfect candidate, but in reality can he really
make me happy?
For the entire time I have known this man it has mostly been
about him and what he wants in life. I played the role of the supportive
boyfriend while he got his PhD and I was supposed to play the role as the
supportive boyfriend yet again while he is getting his maters so he can be a
teacher. The reason he asked me to marry him was because of how I made him feel
and what I did for him. It was all selfish and to be honest each and every time
I have been selfish it caused so much drama that I learned to deal with grief
until I was ready to scream.
The reason for all of this is because I was waiting for the
time when it would be not just about him but us and in this waiting period I
came up with a plan for a life with him, one that I cannot see having with
someone else. I held on so tight to this plan and dream that to let it go would
be to let go of a major part of me. I officially have to be honest with myself,
“Will this dream ever come to fruition, or will I wake up at 40 and realize I
wasted my youth trying to achieve the unachievable?”
The major red flag lies with MeTo’s ex, the one right before
me. MeTo admitted to being completely open and loving in that relationship. He
gave without question and hoped and planned that the two of them would have a
life together forever and that it would all be worth it in the end. Things
however ended and MeTo was left hurt and looking for answers and had to admit
that he had been foolish when he should have listened to all those around him.
I had to hear about offal stories about this person from everyone who loved
While MeTo admits to being a fool in love he refuses to
admit that he has hardened his heart. MeTo never loved me the way he loved his
ex. The whole relationship I had to ensure him that every thing he did for me
would result in him benefiting somehow and that there was some kind of balance.
It turned into me giving of myself more emotionally in order to make up for how
he gave financially.
I came to this conclusion when I realized how rarely MeTo
simply says, “I’m Sorry.” He just doesn’t do it. There is always an excuse and
explanation. The last time we spoke on the phone I set things up for him to
officially apologize for how he recently hurt me and make it heartfelt but it
never happened and when I sent him a text and called to follow up on it, it all
went ignored.
So what am I to do, do I just accept that he is sorry, that
this is how he is and I must learn to deal with it, or do I protect myself the
same way he has learned to? Am I the kind of person who can ignore the feelings
and needs of others because it works best for my long term goals? Can I ignore
his phone calls and text for days because I am stressed and I don’t want to
deal with the potential to add to it? Am I capable of keeping him at arm’s
length until I get my way? Could I send him a text telling him I have decided
not to give us a second chance because I found a relationship that is more “convenient?”
Can I be cold and heartless? Can I spend the rest of my life with someone who
is? And more importantly can I give up the dream that I have held onto so long
that involve my future?
It always seems that when you have the answer to one
question you have a dozen more. I will never have all the answers but this one
thing I am certain of. MeTo has a plan for his life and he will achieve it with
or without me, so YES I am giving up the dreams I have created for my future. I
will not reserve myself for a man who does not love the way I do. I will open
myself up to the possibility that he is not the one and that I have to give
others a chance.
Some people very close to MeTo told me that I allow him to
get away with too much and that it was not until recently that I saw the MeTo
that they all saw. So if any man wants me I have to be a priority and made to
feel as such. I have heard from several friends and past lovers that I know how
to make a person feel important and I should not settle for anyone who does not
do the same.
After several incidents where MeTo has chosen to just stop
talking to me and several times when he has hurt me and not apologized I remain
PISSED and unwilling to just let it go and move on. If he wants me back this
time he is really going to have to put in work and right his wrongs. He made me do it so now it is his turn.
Vixtor B
01 May 2013
I Want a Baby!
One day walking to the bus from work I passed a playground.
It was one of those days where the temperature was fashion perfect. It was warm
but cool enough to wear a jacket and maybe a scarf. I loved days like this. As
I was walking, I passed the playground where I saw children playing. Parents
stood with their strollers as they watched their children play with one another
and all I could do was smile. My heart skipped a beat as I looked at all the
different scenarios.
There were dads, moms, couples, and even grandparents, all
happy to watch their children play. I longed to have that one day. I continued
walking and began thinking about all the great men I had met in my life and now
that I was on good terms with all of them I could think about the “What ifs.”
It was written in the stars that I was to be a family man.
People like me do not simply have friends I have people that I am so close to
you cannot tell the blood relatives from the non-blood ones. I walked and
thought about all the dreams that I have had where I saw me teaching a child
something or cooking dinner for my family or going to a school to see if it
would be a good pick for my child. Every aspect about child rearing seemed to
be something I wanted, everything except discipline; I mean who longs to punish
their child? I however recognize it as a necessary part of having a family and
so threw it into the fantasy to make it seem a bit more realistic.
I found myself smiling this Sunday morning as there was only
one person I could see fitting into this fantasy and so I took my seat and
pushing my thoughts to the back of my mind bean reading my book on Judaism.
Vixtor B
30 April 2013
So You Are New To Dating?
It has been my experience that “Baby Gays” love me. What is
the definition of a baby gay one may ask, well a baby gay is any gay between
the ages of 21 and 25 or a gay man who has recently come out of the closet. You
may ask why this is so. Well men have a maturation curve, the gay life offers a
lot of different options and it takes a few years of exploration to figure out
exactly what all of the different options are, what one wants to explore and
finally they type of gay man that one wants to be. The learning never stops but
there comes a point when you look in the mirror and you know exactly where you
are heading in regards to the type of individual you intend to be.
Being a fan among Baby Gays, has given me an edge on dating
advice I have a never ending pool to experiment with, add the fact that I have
done my fair share of dating, that my friends all come to me for dating advice
and one can clearly see why I have a dating blog.
Recently I have found myself giving my mother dating advice.
It is odd considering that the only reason I can give her good advice is
because I am a man who dates men, something she and I have decided not to
discuss, ever. My mother has recently
found herself single. Divorced from my stepfather and when the guy she was
recently dating began to act like an asshole she walked away from that too. I
find it really hard dishing out tough love to my mother. She is a bit more sensitive
than my other friends and she turns to G-d for everything. I can give great
advice to my mother but it is not until she prays on it or the shit hits the
fan that she takes it and I am typically left without the credit, not that I mind.
The other night she called to talk about her boyfriend and I
was not in the mood to hear the same thing for the 100edth time. Typically I
try not to tell my friends to break up but rather talk to the person, my
mother’s response is always, “I will just pray about it and let G-d deal with
it.” I typically want to respond, “Then why the hell are we talking about it?
Why are you all hurt, either get over it or deal with it?”
That night I wanted to tell here to stop being hurt and look
at the type of men she keeps dating. Twice now she has dated men who never been
in a serious relationship and are in their late 40s. Last I checked that is a
huge red flag.
So I have some general advice for older women who are
looking to settle down with mister Right.
- Date men who you have a common dating history with.
- The moment his actions do not line up with his words, Talk or walk.
- Be sure to discuss intentions, if he cannot be honest with where he expects things to go, then you will most likely end up wasting your time.
- Be sure that you have more than one thing in common. You need to be able to have a conversation that is more than just your day, your past, and what you plan on having for diner.
- Take note of your dating pattern and adjust, if things keep failing, it’s not them it’s you.
- Have realistic intentions, do not think you are going to start a family and your biological clock has stopped.
- If your religion is important to you than date a man who ACTS like it is important to him as well.
- Be mindful of rumors, gossip always stems from truth.
- Shop around do not seem too desperate, be sure you have explored your options.
- Do not allow things to progress to fast.
- Be honest to yourself and others.
- Like for like, do not expect a man without kids to relate or understand your problems related to you being a parent.
- Men like working for it, so play hard to get and keep an obvious amount of distance, In the beginning.
These dating rules work for anyone who is rejoining the
world of dating. Whether you are a Baby Gay or an older woman stick to the
rules and don’t go diving in the deep end.
Vixtor B
"And that's what makes a man, Not hard to understand!"
Does he tell you he loves you when you least expect it?
Does he flutter your heart when he kisses your neck?
No scientist or biology
It's obvious when he's holding me
It's only natural that I'm so affected
And my heart won't beat again
If I can't feel him in my veins
No need to question, I already know
It's in his DNA
It's in his DNA
And he just takes my breath away
B-b-b-breath away
I feel it every day,
And that's what makes a man
Not hard to understand
Perfect in every way
I see it in his face
Nothing more to say
It's in his D-D-D-DNA
It's the blue in his eyes that helps me see the future
Fingerprints that leave me covered for days, yeah, hey, yeah
Now I don't have any first degree
But I know, what he does to me
No need to work it out, it's so familiar, ooh, ooh, ooh
And my heart won't beat again
If I can't feel him in my veins
No need to question, I already know
It's in his DNA
It's in his DNA
And he just takes my breath away
B-b-b-breath away
I feel it every day,
And that's what makes a man
Not hard to understand
Perfect in every way
I see it in his face
Nothing more to say
It's in his D-D-D-DNA
It's all about his kiss
Contaminates my lips
Our energy connects
It's simple genetics
I'm the X to his Y
It's the colour of his eyes
He can do no wrong
No, he don't need to try
Made from the best
He passes all the tests
Got my heart beating fast
It's cardiac arrest
He's from a different strain
That science can't explain
I guess that's how he's made
In his d-d-d-DNA
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, oohh
It's in his DNA
It's in his DNA
And he just takes my breath away
B-b-b-breath away
I feel it every day,
And that's what makes a man (what makes a man)
Not hard to understand (to understand)
Perfect in every way (in every way)
I see it in his face (in his face)
Nothing more to say (nothing more to say)
It's in his D-D-D-DNA
Does he flutter your heart when he kisses your neck?
No scientist or biology
It's obvious when he's holding me
It's only natural that I'm so affected
And my heart won't beat again
If I can't feel him in my veins
No need to question, I already know
It's in his DNA
It's in his DNA
And he just takes my breath away
B-b-b-breath away
I feel it every day,
And that's what makes a man
Not hard to understand
Perfect in every way
I see it in his face
Nothing more to say
It's in his D-D-D-DNA
It's the blue in his eyes that helps me see the future
Fingerprints that leave me covered for days, yeah, hey, yeah
Now I don't have any first degree
But I know, what he does to me
No need to work it out, it's so familiar, ooh, ooh, ooh
And my heart won't beat again
If I can't feel him in my veins
No need to question, I already know
It's in his DNA
It's in his DNA
And he just takes my breath away
B-b-b-breath away
I feel it every day,
And that's what makes a man
Not hard to understand
Perfect in every way
I see it in his face
Nothing more to say
It's in his D-D-D-DNA
It's all about his kiss
Contaminates my lips
Our energy connects
It's simple genetics
I'm the X to his Y
It's the colour of his eyes
He can do no wrong
No, he don't need to try
Made from the best
He passes all the tests
Got my heart beating fast
It's cardiac arrest
He's from a different strain
That science can't explain
I guess that's how he's made
In his d-d-d-DNA
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, oohh
It's in his DNA
It's in his DNA
And he just takes my breath away
B-b-b-breath away
I feel it every day,
And that's what makes a man (what makes a man)
Not hard to understand (to understand)
Perfect in every way (in every way)
I see it in his face (in his face)
Nothing more to say (nothing more to say)
It's in his D-D-D-DNA
Vixtor B
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