03 July 2008

perfect love is bull shit

It's funnie how people always say they want that amazing guy or girl. The one that acts like the world revolves around them. But that is all total bull shit and we all know it. I been there done that, been him got hurt. Nobody truly want their ideal guy because if they did every single person i know would be living happily ever after.

while the sentiment is cute, stop and think. Everyone who reads this, you know at least one person that you have dated or wanted to date you that would have honestly treated you so great all your friends would have be ecstatic and jealous all at the same time. but for what ever reason you let him or her go. Because they didn't look quite right, you felt unworthy, they seamed to nice, to good to be true or what ever.

we all want to be intimate, loved, cherished, treated like we are gold and do the same in return. That is those of us who want the fairy tale. Be we cant stop wanting the whole thing. great unbelievable super model porn star outside and nice loving ooey gooey inside, with love kindness and all that bull shit.

I'm a be real I want a hot guy with flaws, stuff that makes me sick and pissed off and can still make me want him at the end of the day. I want a guy who looks sexy but I would could still stand to change, modify, or loose this and that.

Perfection only exist in god and sorry ppl why would you want someone who can create his own perfect partner?

Perfection sucks, relationships are supposed to be give and take with one taking more than the other at times but still balancing out. Your pros and cons list should be uneven with cons appearing to be more. But that person this person that gets on your nerves, seams unchanging, unyielding, and will make you want to eat tacks at times, manages to make you happier than anyone you dated, or loved.

Perfection is predictable, and predictability will kill any good relationship. Never knowing what to expect, or whats coming, having good times in and out of bed, being able to say “babe you don't look so good” and not care knowing your doing the right thing, the ability to cry and feel OK, to see them cry and want to cry too even when it there fault. To simply be able to join in there rhythm and know your the only one who can her your song and dance the dance. That is when you have found your perfect lover.

The only way to fall in love with he who you are to love for life is to see the perfection of his flaws.

29 June 2008

I have Freedom of speech

I use this web site, blog, to exercise my right to freedom of speech as defined by the first amendment to the constitution of the unites sates of America.

I will keep in mind to use my the liberty to express opinions and ideas without hindrance, and especially without fear of punishment with some of the following restrictions:incitement, sedition, defamation, slander and libel, blasphemy and the expression of excessive racial hatred.

I will maintain the liberal tradition defended freedom of the sort of speech which does not violate others' rights or lead to predictable and avoidable harm,
Please remember valued freedom of speech embraces publication—writing, broadcasting, distributing recordings—as well as oral delivery of ideas.