Sex, Love, Money, Style, Status and friends. Most men will agree, there are some things you simply can’t live without. All your life you work hard so you can get a good job, that good job brings money, the money leads you to explore and then you find friends, your money and friends then bring good times and somewhere in all of the fun and good times you start dating. At some point you hope this dating will lead to the moment you can settle down and then you start to look for the perfect everything.
Young men soon realize that you need stuff to get more stuff. If you want sex you need the proper products to get noticed. The perfect wardrobe, the perfect group of friends, the perfect scent and hair style all get you several things. They get you more friends, which lead to more connections, more good times and more dates.
At the core of every man’s desires, even the gay ones, we just want sex, It’s true. We get the best car we can afford because a man with wheels is unrestricted about where he can go for a good time. We buy the most expensive clothes because a man in nice threads gets noticed over the guy wearing last season’s Wal Mart. We spend several hours picking out the right outfit, doing our hair, skin treatments, and nail treatments and working out to have a six pack because, every one finds it hard to resist a well put together man with a hot since of style.
Now if you add to that a nice car and amazing apartment you have a guy that is hard to get to settle. And why would he. He is the type of guy who goes out for sex and gets it, makes a call and like magic Mr Right Now arrives.
It is common knowledge that most men want this man more than they want to be that man, a guy with so much charm, charisma, style and money that life with them just seems easy. But this guy has everything he wants and falls into the taxi category of men. The sad part of this is we continually try to become this guy in our twenties and search for this guy. Soon before we know it we are 30 and the dicking time is done. At 30 gay men who sleep around and won’t settle tend to be looked to as sad. Now not all gay men who are 30, single and out clubbing are losers, there are exceptions to every rule. But if you happen to be dating a 20-something and you’re not looking to act your age then yeah, looser.
The reason for all of this is that gay men waste so much time and we put so much emphasis on looks, age and money. Before we know it we are 25 thinking we are middle age and that we have to find Mr. Right, right now. I got news for you when it comes to love karma is truly a bitch. Never shun away a good guy that you have chemistry with because you want the “IDEAL” man.
Love is costumed made for different people and while your diamond may not come all cut and polished it doesn’t mean it will never be. Look for the potential and if you see it go for it. Don’t waste your time trying to mold or change someone if you don’t like who they are or where they are going don’t hop on that soon to be train wreck.
We all want the good life. We want to be like Carry Bradshaw. We want a style all our own that people envy, the Mr. Big and the dream house with the amazing closet that make all visitors jealous. I have learned that you should always try to get it for yourself and if what you want is different from that of others all the better, it makes finding love all the easier. It may take a while but when it comes you will know it.