What can be said about life and all the things in it? Compared to the span of the universe it is only a vapor if that, and yet all the moments in it, are so monumental. We celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, job promotions and events that we know we will only get to see one time. Many times we look for excuses to celebrate. We put emphasis on things that are mundane or common place so we can spend money and be merry. Not that this is a bad thing but it almost is proof that life is viewed as not worth living if you have no reason to celebrate.
It is for this reason we try our best in life and look for affirmation. It is getting this assertion from others that we can justify merriment. We are born and enjoy the fuss we get from our birthday and Christmas that when we see that mom and dad calibrate an accomplishment such as having a good report card or graduating, with a party we are overjoyed and strive to fill our lives with such accomplishments. We then begin to gain friends and age and realize we can provide our own calibrations and put emphasis on new year’s and other people’s birthdays. This list of scenarios goes on and on.
Ultimately we have kids and we celebrate their accomplishment with them and the cycle is set to continue. We also learn that without the bad one cannot appreciate the good. Some have learned this lesson so well they go as far as to cause drama in their lives to make the smallest of good fortune seem extreme. How am I so familiar with such a topic? If you read previous blogs you can see that people like the above mentioned pepper my life.
I am able to put everyone in my life into categories and two of those categories are Drama people and happy people.
The happy people are thy type I like to associate myself with people like Phil and Jason. The type of people who just want to be happy and be around happy people and when unnecessary drama is brought in our life there is only one option, cut it out. For most of my gay life that is how things have been me and my happy friends living a life that is naturally drama filled. I can’t help but wonder about all the other gays I have met that seems not to only be followed by drama but they welcome it and are always in the search of more. I watch how people I know turn down a perfectly healthy relationship that is filled with good moments and receives the blessings of friends for one that is stressful, full of arguments and several moments of broken hearts.
I recently realized that a person I was in love with for quite some time was one of these drama people and the only reason I was kept in the mix was to assist in bringing the drama. Everyone I knew told me that this was an unhealthy relationship but my heart wanted what my heart wanted. Then when I finally was part of a relationship that was healthy and happy, I saw clearly. I saw all the drama he liked to bring to his life and all the happiness I had. I saw the relationship I wanted him to have with him I was in with someone who clearly wanted it and while he stressed about how offal things were with his I could not believe how great mine was.
A part of me dreamed that things would fall apart for him and that he would see what he could have had but how could he, I was in a normal relationship which he said he wanted but not what his heart or head really wanted.
So while I did get half my wish, which also stems from the fact he brook my heart I can’t help but still keep my distance. My heart has grown and gained knowledge. I want to be happy and live a normal life with friends who are just as if not more happy than I.
So in conclusion happy know drama and don’t want it in their lives and they want moments to celebrate themselves as well as friends. Their counter parts like to celebrate drama and welcome dram in their lives. The only way for any of the above mentioned to change is to accept that they are who they are and live life recognizing that they do things because of the type of person they are. Once that major step is completed they can start to make active decisions that will help lead them in the other direction. Although I can’t see why any happy person would actively choose to be a drama queen.