Well it was the year that I thought I was done with my blog.
I unceremoniously just abandoned it. However interesting moments inspired me to
write and so I shared them with you guys. I am unsure if anyone still reads
this but it would appear that for 2015 I still need The Indigo Life. Not even a
full month in and my head is spinning with what has happened but let’s recap
2014 first.
In good form I rang in the New Year with my good friend Bombshell,
her boyfriend and a mutual friend of ours. After the fireworks I went to see my
friend Wallace who had gotten a room downtown.
Noting sexual happen aside from my clothes coming off and a little
making out. He was sharing a room with his friend who appeared an hour or so
after a steamy make out session, and announced that he did coke with some random
guy at Voyeur and at that I popped my head from under the covers. I thanks G-d
that I was still drunk and soon after awkward introductions I was fast asleep.
In the morning we woke chatted and I then did the walk of shame to work.
Wallace and I tried dating but he wanted to be chased and I was not interested
in games so we soon went separate ways.
Then Vegas happened and I thought Meto and I was done but
after an accidental drunk phone call from my sister he decided to text me.
Mister M and I had a fight and I realized I needed to find a way to enjoy
single life. Soon I quit working at Bacharach due to poor quality and a complete
lack of standing behind their product and took to focus on working at Nordstrom
and helping my mother recover from Breast Cancer surgery.
By the time of my Birthday Mom was starting to take a turn.
My sister who had moved in with her boyfriend was of no help and even decided
to just not show up to my first party. She arrived to the family function and
decided to be a bitch the entire time. Our relationship seemed to just die.
Then Mister Big came into my life and Mister Cocky tried to
get me back. Due to Mister Cocky’s inconsistent behavior I decided to let the
bag out at work, perused something with Mister Big ad told Cocky to go pound
sand. I had to take care of my mother with little help and Big wanted to much
of my time, after a text message I decided to just ignore him.
On july 4th my cousin gave birth to a baby girl
giving me my second Godchild. It was official I had one of each so I was done.
With two godchildren and great friends I decided to spend the summer getting
closer to my friends and it was one great time after the other. Soon the
doctors figured out what was going on with my mother. She began chemo and
responded well.
By the end of the summer my sister found herself single with
no place to live and ever where she turned she heard “I Told you so.” You do not
move in with a guy you have only been dating a few months.
I found myself on vacation in Atlanta Georgia where I found
out is the birthplace of coca cola and my play wife Monroe went to college.
Monroe showed us her favorite spots, her local best friend and after a trip to
the coca cola factory I was in love with the town. Labor Day weekend is also
black pride weekend and I was at home, without trying I began making
connections and meeting people. I came back to Philly on cloud nine and
convinced that I was over the town that I called home for all of my adult life.
Soon work got on my nerves and I got a second job and then
my mother gave me her car and I got a third job. It was not long before the
holidays were upon us and leaving one job on black Friday I hit a patch of
black ice and totaled my car. I had already had an accident and was trying to
save up money to get it fixed and now the car was gone.
I survived the holidays and was able to buy everyone that
mattered presents. When the year started my Mom was not on track recovery wise,
my cousin was having a complicated pregnancy and I was looking for love and
hoping one of my exes held the key. I eventually told Meto how I truly felt and
when he reverted to old habits I decided to cover all my bases, a text, email
and a Facebook message i was ensuring that it was clear I wanted nothing to do
with him and that he was to never contact me again.
2015 started and I had two God children, great friends, a
plan for the year, A healthy mother, a relationship with my sister and I was
thoroughly happy with being single. But like I always tell my friends the
moment you begin to enjoy being single someone is going to come along and mess
it up.