Recently I have noticed that there are few post explaining the love that I have for MeTo, well this will be more like a post about the love we have fore each other, because it is hard to understand how the relationship works from only one side.
The night before I thanksgiving MeTo and I went to Philly for the Pink Pub Crawl. The first stop was my grandmother’s; we both enjoyed spending time with her and my aunt. She was so happy to see him that she made it quite clear that when I came to visit he was welcomed as well. Later we went to the pub-crawl, which you will have to read about latter.
The night of thanksgiving I went back to my grandmother’s to pick up the stuff that I left the night of the pub-crawl. When I got there, I was so anxious to get back to MeTo that I ran to the bus and then called to see if I was going to make my train, and much to chagrin I was not. Therefore, I went back to my grandmother’s and spent the night. In the morning, my aunt decided she was going, to give me a ride to 30th Street train station and I was surprised at what she had to tell me.
She looked at me and told me that it was evident that MeTo and I loved each other. I was shocked and hearing that, not because it was in accurate jut that I thought I was doing a good job of not being all lovie dovey around her and my grandmother. I asked how she knew and she told me it was in the way we looked at each other and talked to each other. I was still surprised that she saw all she saw.
I thought about this part of our chat for awhile and just recently realized that no matter how hard I try there are just some things you cannot hide from certain people. MeTo and I have had our fair share of bad times but our good times are far more often and far bigger than our bad ones. We have made so many great memories going upstate to be with his family, going to the movies, out to dinner, cooking together, talking about our future, decorating and all the many other happy things that couples do.
So many times, we have done things like cleaning together and realized that with anyone else, it would have been a real chore, but together it was a fun task that we look forward to doing again together.
Our only really fight is about who loves whom more, and who is more attractive. I always say he is cutter and I love him more and he thinks the opposite. However, like all of our argument we respectfully agree to disagree and go on to loving each other.
My point to tall of this is one thing, my relationship with MeTo may be broadcast on here as having lots of troubles and uncertainties but all in all I am head over heels for the man I am in love with. He makes me happy and he makes a point to tell me that he loves the little things like me cooking him dinner, baking him a desert, cleaning the house, or listening to him talk about the good the bad and ugly of his day. All of which are thing I enjoy to do for him and are no burden to me but the mean a lot to him. In addition, all the little things he does for me among some huge ones such as being there when I lost my job and holding down the fort until my unemployment kicked in.
To know if you truly love someone, examine your relationship and when the small things mean far more than the big things that is when you know for sure. To see him breathing and smiling is far better than him buying me a gift and I know if to see him smile is all I get from him for the rest of my life than I will live I heaven for the rest of my earthly days.