01 May 2013

I Want a Baby!

One day walking to the bus from work I passed a playground. It was one of those days where the temperature was fashion perfect. It was warm but cool enough to wear a jacket and maybe a scarf. I loved days like this. As I was walking, I passed the playground where I saw children playing. Parents stood with their strollers as they watched their children play with one another and all I could do was smile. My heart skipped a beat as I looked at all the different scenarios.

There were dads, moms, couples, and even grandparents, all happy to watch their children play. I longed to have that one day. I continued walking and began thinking about all the great men I had met in my life and now that I was on good terms with all of them I could think about the “What ifs.”

It was written in the stars that I was to be a family man. People like me do not simply have friends I have people that I am so close to you cannot tell the blood relatives from the non-blood ones. I walked and thought about all the dreams that I have had where I saw me teaching a child something or cooking dinner for my family or going to a school to see if it would be a good pick for my child. Every aspect about child rearing seemed to be something I wanted, everything except discipline; I mean who longs to punish their child? I however recognize it as a necessary part of having a family and so threw it into the fantasy to make it seem a bit more realistic.

I found myself smiling this Sunday morning as there was only one person I could see fitting into this fantasy and so I took my seat and pushing my thoughts to the back of my mind bean reading my book on Judaism. 

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