Things have been really moving along with my friends and I, Some big changes and some small changes. Of course back in February Zack turned 21 leaving only one person left to join the complete adult crowd, Phil. The party was paid for by Zack’s father and step mother and included an open bar which led to excessive alcohol consumption and several make out sessions by Zack and Jason. Shortly after the party Zack's attitude towards Jay changed and he admitted to Phil that he could never date a black guy and had never been attracted to one. We both know that was a lie.
Jay has now found himself no longer living with his mother and is looking for a place of his own. Jay is becoming totally independent. Tia is still waiting to for the day she is in the navy. Her enlistment date has been moved to October now. Phil is still fooling around with his Mr. K. they are still unofficial and Phil is happy with that, so happy that he is now talking to and dating other guys.
As for me, my new job is going well with project after project and Mr. MeTo and I are stronger than ever.
I have never been in love like this, ever. I have known I was in love with MeTo for quite awhile. I knew by the time of our one month and by our second month saying "I love you," was normal. We talk about everything form our past relationships to what our future together will be like. It was conversations such as these that helped us realize a future together was in fact possible. One night we were talking about his family and his last relationship and he said something that I had been thinking but did not want to mention. He looked at me with tears in his eyes and sad, "I know you’re the one." I was stunned I knew what made me know he was, but what made him think I was?
I looked at him and said, "I know you’re the one too." I had never been happier. We talked and assured each other of how certain we were and that was all she wrote.
We now spend every weekend together, from Friday night to Monday morning and talk about what living together and being married will be like. We go food shopping and I remember taking him to a dollar store and we discussed uni-taskers and birthday parties. I was so in love that all I could think about was what I would do for his birthday despite that mine was right around the corner. He asked if I was going to have a party and the answer was no.
Many people kept asking that question and with me living at home with mom I simply had no place to have it. Mother still insist on not knowing anything of my Indigo Life. MeTo kept asking what I wanted or if I wanted to do something and I could think of nothing better than just spending my day or weekend with him and doing whatever he saw fit. He keeps making a big deal out of buying me something so I sent him an email of all the things I liked. He knew well and continued to surprise me with how much he pays attention but I thought if he had it all in one place picking something out to buy me would be easier.
As luck would have it MeTo's brother's boyfriend’s birthday was exactly a week before mine. We went to dinner the Sunday before at his parent's house. It was the fourth time we all were together and I knew that these were some amazing people. We ate dinner, had some laughs and then dissert with chocolate covered fruit that his mother made.
I thought that that was all but the lights went out and mom walked in with two candles in a pan of brownies. It was such a gesture that even I was touched. It was the perfect day. It was bowling then dinner at the man of my dreams parents and a birthday. I thought how nice it was and how nice it would be for the same thing to be done for me but I put it out of my mind and told myself maybe next year.
We made plans to go to a wolf reserve in honor of the birthday boy the following weekend. As luck would also have it a talent agency wanted to see me that Saturday for modeling. I talked with MeTo and everything was set. Dinner with my sister and her boyfriend and some mutual friends Friday, A day in NYC Saturday and Saturday night spend some time with my friends at a random party then the wolf reserve on Sunday.
By the time the weekend came things changed, to just me and Mr. MeTo to going to dinner near his place, my sister failed at scheduling so we decided to go to a little place we had been putting off. He had deemed the weekend my birthday weekend and wanted to spoil me. We went to a Mexican restaurant called on the border that we decided we would never go to again.
Saturday he paid for my train ticket to Manhattan and was my moral support as I met with the agency. Afterwards we went to a diner for lunch and the metropolitan museum of art. I had never gone and I had so much fun. We took pictures and discussed the art and us, I was in heaven. We left the museum and were passing by the art stand that we passed going to the museum and the print he liked was still there so we bought it together for him. It was the least I could do.
On the ride back we talked about the party I was going to and I asked if he wanted to go, which led to a conversation about my friendship with Jay. He didn’t want to go, I barely wanted to go. A 2 hour ride later I was standing around with jay, Phil, Tia, and Zack. I was still mad at Zack and decided to chip at his self esteem.
Another two hour ride and I was eating chicken nuggets before bed. We cuddled and I fell asleep in his arms.
That morning after having some truly great sex, we got dressed for the wolves. I had got my red hiking boots out of storage just for the occasion and wore them with my black CK Jeans and a red shirt. MeTo was quite pleased. We also took his laundry to his parents so he could say a few dollars, how Jewish.
We got to the house and were greeted by the chocolate lab that changed my mind about dogs and his mom who gave me a big hug and kiss. It really feels good that his family likes me. I took the laundry to the laundry room and was shocked as I saw our friend JB and then everyone yelled surprised. Then rob said the bad new was that there were no wolves. I was stunned that he went through all this and got his family involved as well. Mom cooked dad grilled and there was red fruit, sangria, red table cloth and red cups. They went all out for me
Ice cream cake and egg creams and presents even MeTo's roommate Christian showed. We ate and laughed and I got a gift card to Best Buy and one to Barns and Noble and the movie Airplane Two proving that everyone not only liked me but listened to what I had to say. And from my baby he took his time to Photo-Shoppe several pics of us and framed them for me.
The day was perfect and everyone had fun. I was never in such bliss and so touched that Monday I was so overflowing with love that I had to write him a love letter and he wrote me a poem and another song. I am over whelmed with love and he continues to prove that he truly is the one, My Mr. MeTo and My Cuddles.