03 January 2010

Happy Healthy New Yeear


It has been one whole year and things although not I would want them to be, are great. It has been over a year since I met MeTo and that whole incident with Mr. New York.  The blog as well as my life has had its difficulties this year as well as all my friends.

Around the new year Jay and I kind of fell out because I my shift in where and who I was devoting my time in. Phil was still being Phil and Louise was having fun with his new boy toy, which actually looked more like a girl.

After I stopped working for Vincent It was not long before I found a job that promised to let me use my creativity. MeTo and I became official January 11th and my January ended great. The rest of the year chugged on and before I knew it, it was my birthday.  Jay and I had made up and we even closer than before.  Things were going great I knew who my really friends were and I had a man in my life that cared about me so much that he threw me a surprise birthday party.  The Lady GaGa concert that was supposed to take place on my birthday moved to a whole month later.

The job that promised to allow me to be creative proved to be a waste of my time and their money but I decided to stick with it. But it was not long before I spent a lot of free time looking for a new one. MeTo and I were quite hot and heavy I spent most weekends with him and I was not only in love with him but I began to fall for his entire family including their dog, and I do not even like dogs.

When June rolled around it proved to be the beginning to quite a trying summer.  MeTo and I moved in together and with bed buying box moving and living in clutter we had our first big fight. We made up and got things under control.

Jay was having a hard time with life in general and I could tell it was quite bad but what remained a mystery to all of us until one day while at work I got a call from him and he told that he was HIV positive. I left work and ran to be with him during his time of need I was shocked that I could not think of that pep talk you all ways hear about of people getting. I called MeTo and he gave me the talk. It was the first time he heard me cry.

A few weeks I lost my job with no explanation.  Then I was denied unemployment and before I knew it my finical past came to bite me in the ass I lost my car and had to tell MeTo the extent of debt I was in.  it was a poor summer for me and before I knew it I was smoking again. The stress built and built until one night I just broke down and shared all my secrets on the web.

August came and the highlight was the surprise I and another friend threw for Jay. It brightened his year. The surprise party went great with only a few snares. MeTo was not feeling all too well so we went home right after.

Shortly after that, I lost my car due to lack of income things seemed to just get worse at each turn. It started to take a toll on my relationship but before I knew it MeTo parents gave him some advice for the both of us. It showed me that they really liked me as a person and thought I was a good fit for MeTo.

Soon it was September and we began celebrating the high holy holidays of Judaism. I began learning a lot about what it meant to be a Jew and even how to make a few more dishes that are Jewish.  And MeTo’s family was beginning to feel like my family.

I eventually had my hearing for my unemployment and won, It was great and by the close of the month I had my own income again.

October came and I am not sure if it was the changing seasons of me not working but MeTo and my relationship took quite a drastic turn. I ended up going to Philly for a week by my self to clear my head whiles he, our roommate and his girlfriend were here doing their own thing. Despite the fact I wanted to hang more with my roommate’s girlfriend I needed time along to get my head in order.

By the Friday of that week MeTo played me a visit and we discussed what steps needed to be taken to repair the problems in our relationship which turned into an all nighter of club hopping in what appeared to be a dead gayborhood. We then crashed at my friend Kim’s house.

When he went home the next afternoon I was still not feeling 100% but a phone call later and the recitation of an old love letter I wrote quickly reminded me that although I was stressed and acting funny my feeling for him were just as strong if not stronger. I could not wait to get back to him.

The rest of the year chugged on and the best part of thanks giving was his family, it was so great that we spent the whole week between Christmas and New Year upstate all of us together. It was the happiest new year I have ever had.

MeTo and I have known each other for well over a year and have made far to memories to recap in one post. I have found what it is like to be truly unconditionally loved. It gives me great joy to say, “I can’t wait to see what 2010, will bring.”