Every gay man has that group of men the consist of ex boyfriends, old potential boyfriends and friends that want more that friendship that have a certain place in their lives. These are the guys we call when friends are all busy, we need a quick roll in the hay, or we are broke and need a nice dinner or drinks while clubbing. We cannot conceder it using these guys because we suffer through bad stories, them asking us why not me, inappropriate touching and in many case they get sex with someone they think is totally hot.
For me I have a significant size group, Ramón, Dwaine, Alex, Mr. R, Andrew, Mr. K, Mark and of course Mr. M. All are men that I have talked about before some have even had their own blog and were the highlight of an evening. I have taken many serious, only to be disappointed and on more than one occasion, but not many had to deal with heartbreak. Yet I remain friendly because after all I have been through with some of them I continue to find uses that outweigh the pain they caused.
The roll of the leading man is never held by one man as you can clearly see. Interesting as it may be to those who are not in the life, it is standard for the rest of us. The leading man is never a boyfriend until the last act.
The entire time we spend in the scene is just a show, a play if you will of a scene after scene of night clubs, bar's, dates, hook ups, fights with family member and friends who don’t understand our lifestyle. The friends that we have stay the same from scene to scene, but it is a guy whom we only scene for a brief while that truly runs the show. He steps in and decides the next scene. Will be at a bar or club. At out fest or pride, will be a night under the cover or a romantic dinner? He is coached and encouraged but he ultimately decides and once he dose he plays his part and then gives the stage over to the next.
The dance goes on until the main character decides he has found the one, the one who ends the dance of changing scenes. Finally, the main character and the new leading man negotiate on each scene and setting. The play is finally over and gives way to a new play called the Relationship.
The play goes on and rarely dose it ever go big and continue to end with death, it usually ends with a return from the play we entitle the scene and all the while we notice that the men from before are playing the same parts, while the main character and his friends my look and many times think differently it is all in all the same and we continue to watch and learn how each gay life is connected proving ;
it's a world of laughter, a world or tears
its a world of hopes, it's a world of fear
there so much that we share
that its time we're aware
its a small world after all
its a small world after all
its a small world after all
its a small world after all
its a small, small world
There is just one moon and one golden sun
And a smile means friendship to everyone.
Though the mountains divide
And the oceans are wide
It's a small, small world
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