10 December 2008

I'm working in the rain.

Last Thursday I had started the day off with three interviews, but due to an issue with my mother's computer, I had to cancel my first. I went to my Second in Center City Philadelphia at borders. I was meeting a guy whose name I could not remember and as it turned out, I was not the only one. I was talking on the phone and the person who was sitting at my table for the past hours over herd and mentioned she was there for the same guy.

As if by some type of roach, magic people came out of nowhere and introduced themselves to us. Then the interviewer showed up. He was cute and not what I was expecting, He took the first guy then it was my turn. I enjoyed talking to him but not as much as he enjoyed talking to me. He made a point to ask jokingly if I checked the right box in regards to my criminal background, which took me off guard and made me think it was a trick question.

It was not he then began to tell me about how one guy lied and bla bla bla. He could not mention a topic without divulging information about himself, which he pointed out several times that he, had no idea why he was telling me such things. Then he pointed out a very important characteristic about myself, I was easy to talk to. Which are quite true people tend to feel a need to confide in me. I have never had an issue with friends with holding feeling and experiences. It is something that I use to feed my curiosity but never to hurt anyone and I guess that is why it keeps getting stronger.

I walked away knowing I had the job. I got back to Sharon Hill later than I had expected and had to call my second interview and let them know I would be late. I had been to this place twice before and each time I felt it was a waste of my time but I was assured they had different positions available, so I went and had yet another pointless interview.
While I was taking care of Josh, I got the call to confirm that I had been chosen for a position with the nonprofit. I was thrilled and accepted. My start date would be Wednesday.

So I started my new job and it was not glamorous in the least bit. I had to work outside pitching the company's mission and convincing people, that becoming financially involved would be worth their while. It’s a cause I believe in. I was promised a half day training and after an hour of filling out paper work and going over the company's profile I got to practice my pitch two time and was put on the corner. Needles to say I felt like a Virgin hooker.

It was an entire day of May I talk to you for a minute, only to have people retort, No it's raining. No, don’t have time. I'm on my way to work, on my lunch break. And the few times that I did get people to listen to my pitch they asked for the web address and continued on their way. Then the pressure from my pimp to put myself out there more, use my hands to draw people in, be louder and shit like that.

With the rain and several rejections, I just wanted to go home. When 6 o'clock came I was oh so happy and oh so soaked. One last thing to be showed and I left. To go home and begin the job search all over again.

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