17 December 2012

Thursday's Troubles

Thursday night was my last acting class of the semester. I spent the whole day studying my monologue which I had to recite in front of the class for my final exam. On my way to class I saw a classmate of mine who would soon become a good friend on the phone. By the few words that I could hear I knew it had to do with here recent breakup.

In class my teacher was late and I used the extra time to study some more. My classmate sat next to me and I could tell the tears were ready to burst but she held them back. Once my teacher arrived one by one people volunteered or were called on to give their monologue. When I was called I panicked and it took me 4 tries to get it all out and even then I botched it.

My classmate went last and she used her emotion to bring the house down. I knew it was not just an act and when she sat down the tears continued. I gave her time and rubbed her back. I then asked if she wanted to go for a walk and she was quick to say yes and gathered her things.

I knew I did not want to pry I just wanted to be there for here. From all the interactions that we have had before I could tell she was a good person and she always came off as a sweet heart despite here sometimes intimidating exterior.

As soon as we got outside she began to tell me everything and we then went for drinks at her request. Over shots of Johnny Walker black and screwdrivers she shed tears and poured her heart out to me. I had always been told that people found me to be a safe person to talk to but it still surprises me when people tell me some of the most intimate things because they feel immediately comfortable.

It was not long before the tears stopped and we were dissecting problems and situations. I was able to give feedback based on my last break up and how badly the person made me feel. We soon both realized that at the root of all of our hurt was the fact that we were disrespected and the people responsible failed to see why, or how.

The night ran on and I assured my friend that I was there for her and I had nothing else to do. We soon threw other topics into the mix and began learning about each other as people. I had known from day one that this person was not only special but someone that I could learn from and because I kept an open mind and then decided to be there for her, I know have another friend.

I do not know why some people fail to see that a lack of caring or even the appearance of not caring causes a lot of pain to the person they are in a relationship with. This pain is not just felt initially but for a long time after the relationship is over. It is a lot like the chicken pox virus, the symptoms may go away but the virus still remains and can come back to cause big problems in a person’s life. And from what I have been through I know the only real cure, the one that can heal the person and help prevent them from holding others accountable for their ex’s wrong doings is  a heartfelt apology.

It will not undo the hurt and pain but it will make getting past it a lot easier and more permanent. 

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