15 December 2011

Is It Just Sex?

In advertising sex sells, in humor sex jokes get the biggest laughs and in magazines sex articles are the most read. People like sex; we like to do it, read about it, watch it, laugh at it, and talk about it. Just think about it, how many times a day is something said that makes you think about sex? More often than not they are juvenile thoughts and major stretches you make to make something that has nothing to do with sex sound like it dose.

Recently I have taken it upon myself to do a little research into the world of sex facts and it is no surprise that the list is extensive. From facts about men, semen and their sex drive, women, sex organs, all the way to medieval stories about sex that have been recently changed into more appropriate Disney movies.

Some of the most interesting facts that I have found people to be more interested in are the ones not so much about sex organs but sexual fluids, semen to be more specific. There has been a long sexual debate about what to do with the stuff when performing Fellatio. I was shocked to find that the most common response is to swallow; this is by both guys and girls. (Source) I searched high and low to see if I could find a message board or poll that had the opposite view and all of them said the best thing to do is to swallow it. Many people even went on to describe it as simply warm liquid and that it should not be so difficult to do. I found it simply fascinating. I then decided to take a poll of my own and was shocked that almost all of my friends agree that swallow is done by an extremely high percentage of my friends.

A few more interesting semen facts, most men can shoot an easy ten feet, but one guy broke the record by shooting 18 feet he holds all the records as of now with greatest height, velocity and I would imagine amount. I could only imagine that to get hit with something like that at close range would hurt, so he has no choice but to pull out.  The oldest dad was 90 at the time, giving hope to us youngsters that you can still have a sex life well into our geriatric years because at age 73 most men are still potent and thanks to Viagra and Calis testing this theory is all the easier. 

To find sex facts are quite easy and they typically are the same from one web site to the next. Like when I was looking for the nutritional information for seamen. This is a fun one for everyone. While we know it is high in protein it also contains fructose a type of sugar, Water, Ascorbic acid (a.k.a., vitamin C), Citric acid, Enzymes, Protein, Phosphate and bicarbonate buffers, Zinc, and is a low calorie food at only about 6 calories per teaspoon. So you have even more reason to swallow.

Another group of attention-grabbing sex facts are pertaining to male endowments. Everyone wants to know what is the biggest, what is the smallest, and why is the average so small? I am happy to say I can answer them all. The smallest recorded was 1cm erect. Now how that counts I am not sure but it does and who did this recording is up in the air but this seems to be the confirmed smallest. I can tell you that the reason for this was a medical condition.  There are two that exist; there is micropenis where most of the penis resides inside the body and congenital hypoplasia, where the glands better known as the head, is attached directly to the pubis.

The largest penis ever recorded measured 13.5 inches long. This has happened twice in modern history once in the early 20th century and again at the end. Many of you might have herd of Private Dicks, an HBO special, that’s where this giant wonder hit the little screen back in 1999. I have not seen this special but it is all over the internet. The owner is unemployed and refuses to do porn; he has self respect, go figure. I have also not been able to find any pictures of it either so that’s the big and small of it.

Did you know that of all the primates Men have the largest penises? One would think the largest primate would have the largest penis but that’s not so. And while we are speaking of records you will be shocked to know that the largest baby ever born was done naturally without an epidural, the baby weighed in at 26 pounds with a head diameter of 6 inches or 15 cm meaning mom had the largest vagina and at 7 foot 8 it makes since. Most women are lucky if they dilate the full 10cm but this woman did it and went on to do an extra five. The baby however did not survive, 15cm was still a little small and it took work at both ends to get him out.

As far as records goes in regards to sex the list goes on and on. There is the, largest orgy, the most orgasms, or a quite interesting one, the longest some guy took to take care of himself (masturbated). Yeah believe it or not there is a contest for this, the one who holds out the longest is the winner and this guy held out for 9 hours and 58 minutes, one would think with that control he could have held out a little longer to make it an even 10 but I guess he is saving himself for the next go around. 

While people love to hear, talk, and joke about sex, they enjoy the act just as much and the most partners for a man in one hour was 52, he was supposed to have 101 but he got around to the rest two weeks later.  While men are known for wanting sex 24/7 based upon how often they get erections, on average 11 while awake and 9 at night, women are capable of having more partners in one day. One woman had 919 guys in one day. When we check out the most orgasms in an hour a woman had 134 and the man only 19. And you know the longer you go the longer it takes.
Men however prove to be more willing to go to great lengths for sex than women. 56% of men admit to have had sex at work; men are most likely to be the ones tied up during sex, and men are less shameful in their sexual endeavors. 60% percent of men admit to masturbation and while only 1 out of a 1000 men can perform Fellatio on themselves many more have tried.

So know that you know a lot more about sex and men than many of your friends here is a few tips to make your sex lives a little better. Men are easily aroused so if a simple kiss or genital rub is not enough to get things going try one of the following. The sent of lavender, licorice, chocolate, doughnuts, and pumpkin pie all increase blood flow to the penis. Apple pie causes arousal. Men are territorial and most modern men still enjoy marking territory, they do this by having sex so change the scene.

Remember that this is in fact a gay blog and most sex records involve Heterosexual acts. So if you know of some gay records let me know so I can write Gay Sex Facts.

1 comment:

  1. "meaning mom had the largest vagina and at 7 foot 8 it makes since" , with that being quoted, my question is this....would the baby dick tickle the mother belly on the inside, lol-? thought I would ask. breeland2012
