I think many of you have probably heard about the mother who dressed her son up as Daphne for Halloween per her son’s request. I find it fascinating how his peers accepted him but the parents were the ones who gave the mother a hard way to go.
There are many points about this story I think need to be addressed. The first this is a Christian school, from the fact that this is an issue, shows that the school is not progressive. So why then are they celebrating a pagan holiday such as Halloween? Second the boy wanted to the costume and his friends had no qualms with it they probably thought it was great, proof that intolerance is taught and not inbred. Third why are these parents trying to tell this woman how to raise her child? Fourth again this is a Christian school aren’t Christians supposed to accept people and not judge. Sounds like the parents of this school are quick to the draw when it comes to casting stones.
All in all this a classic example of how Christianity is the most hypercritical religion. I can say this as I am a christen and have be subjected to the criticisms, and constant judgments by the very people who claim to be just as imperfect.
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