About a week ago I promised to blog about a string of crazy dreams that ended with one that was so crazy I had to tweet about it.
For some strange reason the idea of going back to high school has been haunting my dreams. I have had many dreams where I have decided to go back not just to high school in general but the Prep where I went for three out of my four years. To be completely honest I hated High School I was that popular kid that everyone liked and most days I just wanted to fly under the radar.
Many of these dreams involve me going back to finish my last year, either because my other school’s diploma didn’t count or I just wanted a prep degree. To top all of this off I have been thinking about my Latin teacher from my freshman year, I had bumped into her a little over a year ago when I was working at Home Depot. I could not remember her pre marriage name which she insisted to be addressed by, but I was one of the few who could pronounce her new name correctly and that is all I can remember.
In the dream I am attending school at the prep and I am pregnant. I am a pregnant man. Everyone knows I am a man and I act like a gy yet I have long hair and a huge stomach. At some point in the dream I am walking through the park and I am hit over the head, the next thing I know I am sting in Latian class and not feeling so well. My teacher insist that I go see the nurse but I refuse and tell her I am fine, I then go on about my day and everyone keeps asking if I am fine, my head felt ok but my ass was another story.
My ass was hurting and towards the end of class it had started bleeding. Now mind you everyone in this story knows that I am a guy even myself, I mean I still have a penis I am just pregers like Arnold in the movie Junior. My teacher sees me latter and asked if I went to the nurse and I told her no. I go on to bumb into the drug and alcohol counselor, who I am friend with and she ask if I am feeling well. For some reason I decide to tell her the events of my day and as I start doing so my ass starts bleeding again and she puts it all together and decides that I was rapped and need to go to the hospital for a rap kit.
All the while I find it odd how no one is really concerned for the baby and just my well being. I tell the counselor that I will be fine and just have to use the rest room. On my way I see my Latin teacher and she informs me she heard what happened and she called the police.
To prevent going through what I think is going to be and episode of Law and order SVU I wake up. I have no idea what this dream means if anything but it was strange to say the least. It was one of those dreams where I kept waking up but every time I went back to sleep it picked up where I left off.
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