I would love to say that OutFest was an eventful event but it truly was not. However I did learn a few things.
So I went down the Saturday before so that I could get a replacement ID. I had lost my wallet and I am still not over that. When I got to the DMV it was 2:00, closed and I was pissed. I checked the web site before I left and it said open Saturday 8 something to 4:15. I read the sign on the door that was taped from the inside and looked like it was about to fall off and it said that the place would be closed Saturday and Monday for Columbus day. Like is Columbus day that serious you need to be closed TWO days.
I call MeTo vented, then I called Jay and vented. After I felt better I went and bought a coke and decided I would go see my best friend. I hung out there and then went to my mom’s and worked on my writing. When she asked why I was in town I simply told her that I had an event to go to on Sunday. She was to happy to see me to give any disproving looks.
When Sunday hit I sent a text to the crew telling them I would met them down there. It took a good while for me to get dressed most of my time was spent doing my makeup. It was MeTo’s and my 9 months and I felt it customary to put some on as he likes it, a lot.
While getting dressed a still groggy Jay called to ask what time I was leaving. After talking about what I was going to wear jay decided he would get up and get dressed. Then he wanted me to meet him at his place so we could go down together. To make a long story short jay took his time about getting dressed and before I knew it my plan to be in the hood by 12 turned into almost 2. But I will admit we made a dynamic duo. We got looks from every angle both male and female.
I was not a block away from the festivities before I heard my name called several times it was my friend Andrew, really tall really book smart but when I came to picking out decent guys dumb as a door knob but I guess that’s most gay men. It was also the first time Jay met Andrew face to face. We continued on and I got a call from Luis and I told him where to meet us and we went to find MeTo and Ian.
When I bumped into my man I was surprised to see that he dresses really well, to the point Jason went into a loud scream and gave him a huge compliment. I was proud as the jeans and jacket he was wearing was picked out by me. We met with Lou and then my friend Dan and I had one big entourage. We walked all over the gayborhood and I caught up with my Friend Dan.
Dan and I chatted about our days at the prep who from school we kept in contact with and the ever favorite discussion, “Who’s gay.” Dan was about the 40th person to tell me that Neal was not only gay but a total ass hole who just cut all his old friends out his life. Dan also told about he special someone and what he has been up to now that he was done with college.
Ian was quiet and not feeling so well, a bit hung over from the night before. I did my best to include him and with him being the quite type I was worried he was going to get lost in the big gay crowd. It was like having a child I would be deep in conversation look around, not see him then yell, “Where is Ian?” only to have him say I’m right here and giggle.
As for Phil, Tia, and RJ they never showed. Phil had to work and failed to tell me until I was already down there. Tia was hanging with our friend Sam. RJ is dating a new guy and I guess they got lost in each other’s eyes or some romantic shit like that.
The day chugged on and I had one disappointment aside from no ID, I missed Jay’s performance. The first one I missed was my fault but I wanted to see the second and I did not hear him say he was going to go sing but Lou did and sunk off without making sure the group followed.
We all then went out to dinner at ruby Tuesday’s and it was good time until MeTo, Ian and Dan had to get back to NJ to catch the last river line. It was a good time and Jay and I walked around and danced in the street at TOC and then grabbed a drink with a guy that was into jay.
Your probably wondering how did I grab a drink with no ID. Well the place we met Jay’s friend did not card and Jay’s friend picked up the whole tab which I imagined to be huge as he paid with two 100 dollar bills. Both Jay and I looked at each other and he asked, “Did you see that.” We were impressed. I know it sounds shallow but we’re gay and to have fun in the gayborhood you either have to have money or know people who have money.
So we took our tired ass’s home and parted way on the 113 bus. It was a good time and when I have both my man and my friends in one place I feel like I am on the top of the world. So OutFest was Awesome.
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