Hello world it is official that I am in a new error in my life. I cannot believe how much things have changed over just the past few months, not just for me but everyone. My gang and extended friends have all had a 2009 that I predicted from the very beginning.
I told everyone that 2009 was going to be a year of new beginnings and it would make up for all the bad in 2008 and then some, and so far that is true.
Phil is still enjoying the dating scene and going to school dispute that it is the summer. What’s going on with him no one knows except that he keeps calling from places such as Virginia and east bumble Pennsylvania.
Louis and Phoenix are still living it up as best they can in South Carolina. I have not heard from him lately though with his lack of employment he lacks the funds to pay for a cell phone.
My second mother Brenda is getting ever so close to the big day and I can imagine the pressure is on but I know without a doubt she can handle it.
Last week I saw my aunt and her friend Dave who likes to hold heated debates and I of course welcomed the challenged. It was quite nice to see him again. Aunt LAB is doing well and all are encouraging her to get back to dating and it will only be matter of time before see dose as she herself is looking for her niche.
Jayson Taylor may not see it but things are getting better just like I said they would. We have the first tapping of the q view taking place shortly with a picnic for the air date. And speaking of dates he is currently dating Danny a cute and tall man who seems to be quite into him. There is only one thing left before he is well on his way to having it all.
As for my other friends life is chugging on and all are well from what I understand. I recently read a blog of Mr. M's and he is planning a major life change, he and Joe are moving to Las Vegas, I was surprised to find that once the move takes place he will be looking for a new job and quite possibly new friends. We chatted for a brief stint but no major questions were asked or answered.
As the summer approaches and the Q View become ever so near I am being called back into the social gay scene. I admittedly miss it but with the new life I have I can imagine that things are going to be a little more challenging than before. But as it is a desire of mine and not just my friends it’s going to be more fun than ever.
My sister is just about over Jim and just in time as many of the guys are getting antsy. She is quite the little catch with her new style and her new job to fund her stylish efforts, she is living it up like many college students do during the summer. And she is meeting many new "potentials".
Things in my new world in New Brunswick are great. Mr. MeTo and I had two big fights in one week. We were quick to make up which proves something major. Our love can overcome any obstetrical. The move took a whole week to complete with moving things from two separate storage spaces and his dorm room and room at his parents’ house.
His mother was an invaluable huge help as well as Christian. Getting the stuff to the apartment was the easy part compared to having to sort through was and throw away more than half my stuff. It seemed like money was just flying with gas, a new break light, bed frame, CD storage, cleaning supplies, truck rentals, and other storage for in the apartment. Needles to say the spending has stopped for now and things are 99% away in their proper place.
As for my sex life it seems new life has been brought into it and I can’t get enough of the man that I am sure I will spend the rest of my life with. Being in love the way that I am is new for me and being in love with the person I am in love with keeps things fresh on a daily bases.
I can’t help but look forward to this summer it’s going to be full of hot parties beach trips new experiences and club nights to remember. This is going to be the first official Indigo Summer.
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