You can’t help but think about many of the things you do in life. Some things you do because they are easy while others you do because they give you a challenge. Then there are things like breathing that you just do out of basic necessity and unconsciously. Yes we eat, wash and use the bathroom because we have to. But what about the things that we can not help to do for some extreamly odd reson that require extreme analyzing and reflection for us to figure out what is we are doing, and moreover, why.
Many times we find gestures of the heart some of the oddest things we can ever try to understand. Why and when do we fall in love, why do we tell someone we care about yes to doing what they want to do even when we know they are perfectly fine doing what we want to do?
Could it be that love is biological and not physical? Or is it mental and not emotional? If that is the case shouldn’t we be able to analyze all emotions and categorize the whys, whens, and whats of each action?
Life is always throwing us questions and we constantly choose to seek out the answers or let the question go by ignored.
Why do we, work jobs, have friends, listen to music, watch TV, read the things we read, and eat the foods we eat? The whole point to adulthood is to have the ability to do what we please without the consequences we once had.
No matter how old we get and how much wisdom we obtain, every move we make is governed by something or someone. We don’t look at it as being controlled because no one person or thing has total influence or control over our lives.
What in our head says pizza every day is bad for you, why can’t we skip work when we want to? Sure we know the results but we already know that nothing is certain in life. You can do you job to the best of your ability and still get fired tomorrow. You can slack for years at the same stupid job and never get notice. There are people who smoke their entire lives and live to 80. For every thing that we have been told is bad for us we knew a story to contradict it.
Is it fear; are we just living on the side of caution just to be on the safe side? I don’t get It life is short no matter how you look at. It seems like all the people who drink and stay out late are having all the fun. Sure some die young and just as many of the opposites die at the same ages.
I say fuck it all. You’re going to die of something, better to live a happy life and die young than live a long life and die unhappy. So love yourself, you will only be happy if you see it as making YOU truly happy, work when and where you want to. Read things that make you happy and watch TV until your satisfied and when you are unhappy with the decisions that you have made then change your path to something new.
Life is a buffet of opportunities and while you will always have regrets its better that you are to blame for making them than someone else. It’s your damn life so live it.
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