Yesterday I decided to take a bath to get things rolling, I was quite surprised to find that, that one little moment set the tine for the entire day. I decided to watch a movie after my bath and that led me to wanting to do nothing even more.
I typically turn a bath day into a spa day, but not yesterday. It was truly a lazy day, a day of watching movies and non stop eating. Trust me when you’re my size a day of non stop eating is a good thing typical it causes me to gain no weight but in my head it works so its all good.
I then got on my computer and figured I would finally make the switch, I stopped talking about Pink City Life and made it all indigo. I then got a IM from Jay and he needed my clippers so I made it up in my mind to go over at a decent hour and take them to him, a decent hour was any hour my mother was home.
Right before my mom got home had gotten out of my slump and began getting dressed and tiding up the house. My goal was to make it out before she got in and if I failed to do so make sure she had no reason to yell. I failed. She came and yelled about the trash cans, the dining room light being on where I was going. She soon changed her tone and became pleasant when she realized should g=could be spending the night home alone. I told her I was dropping something off to a friend and would b back in 15 minutes to do the dishes.
She acted all surprised when I actually came back, it wasn’t in 15 only because the roads were icy but it was a short time. I began on the dishes and she was all lovey dovey.
After doing the dishes I did my hair and watched another movie. I then ate dinner and launched Indigo Life. To my surprise the first official post was a success.
Today Jason stars a new job and I have an interview. Hope all goes well for the both of us. As for my sister she has gone on a 3 day vacation over our aunt’s house which she plans on getting her tong and navel pierced. When my mother sees her Thursday she will freak, and I don’t want to miss it.
Don’t worry I am still working for Mr. New York, just don’t trust him much.
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