PETA wrote . . .
Help us reach our goal of $30,000 to stop some of the worst abuses on factory farms. Your gift today will be matched dollar-for-dollar. Dear Victor S,
You can help end some of the worst abuses of pigs, cows, chickens, and other animals on factory farms with your gift today during PETA's End Factory Farming Challenge.
Do you know how pigs in the U.S. live their lives?
Fact #1: In the U.S., more than 97 percent of pigs—smart, social, interesting animals—are raised on factory farms.This means they spend their entire lives in cramped, filthy warehouses, where they never see the sun or breathe fresh air. Because of their hideous living conditions, more than 70 percent of the pigs have pneumonia by the time they are kicked and prodded onto trucks bound for slaughterhouses.
Breeding sows are imprisoned in metal gestation crates so small that they can't even turn around or take a single step—many develop painful sores and bruises from being immobilized on a hard surface. Shortly after giving birth, they are forcibly impregnated again. This cycle continues for years until their bodies finally give out and the animals are sent to slaughter.
Fact #2: It doesn't have to be this way. By acting today, your urgent gift will go twice as far toward reducing the suffering of factory-farmed pigs because it will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to $30,000 by a small group of caring PETA members.
Your gift of $50 will become $100 ...
Your gift of $75 will become $150 ...
Your gift of $250 will become $500 ...
... to stop the very worst abuses of pigs, chickens, cows, and other animals suffering needlessly on factory farms.
You see that PETA gets results for animals. We've already successfully pressured giants in the meat industry to make important changes with regard to how they breed, confine, and even kill animals:
* Following more than 100 PETA demonstrations across North America and negotiations with PETA, Safeway became the first Fortune 500 company to make dramatic improvements in the living and dying conditions of farmed animals. Safeway credited PETA with "turn[ing] on the light of an issue we need to address."
* PETA's influence over its customers, including fast-food chains like McDonald's and Burger King, convinced Smithfield Foods—the largest pig-flesh supplier in the world—to agree to phase out all gestation crates on its company-owned factory farms within a decade. Currently, at any given minute, more than 1 million mother pigs are confined by Smithfield to these hideous crates.
* Just a few days later, Maple Leaf Foods, the largest pig flesh-producer in Canada, announced that it would follow suit. Then, almost immediately afterward, another massive pig-flesh supplier—Cargill Foods—agreed to stop using gestation crates on half its farms immediately.
These decisions significantly reduce the suffering of pigs and have sent shockwaves through the entire meat industry. But we have much more to do, which is why we very much need your help during this important challenge, where your gift will be matched dollar-for-dollar.
PETA's high-profile protests and media outreach, consumer boycotts, and undercover investigations are doing what no one thought was possible: getting the world's worst abusers of animals to clean up their acts. And none of this would be possible without your caring support.
Please make a generous donation to PETA online right now. Your gift will help sustain our relentless defense of pigs and other animals who are, even as I write this, being abused, exploited, and killed.
Thank you for showing, once again, that all animals deserve our compassion.
Kind regards,
Photo: Ingrid E. Newkirk, President
Ingrid Signature
Ingrid E. Newkirk
P.S. Please make a gift of any size today, as it will be matched dollar-for-dollar. It will provide twice the resources to help pigs and other animals who are being abused on factory farms. Your gift will mean so much
I Wrote . . .
I hate pigs and think they deserve what ever they get. how ever i tend to think cows get a raw deal 99% of the time. FYI my money is trying to get me out of dept so i can live more like a human. I am also black so to pay so a chicken can stop being abused that i will only buy to deep fry is absurd thank you and stop asking for my money I'm broke. .
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This is an official Email from the one and only.
Titus- Victor S. Bethea, II
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